Slayer vs "Cowboy"
Wayne Johnson
Slayer chokeslams Wayne Johnson... DOWNLOAD
Wayne Johnson cops a Slayer DDT... DOWNLOAD
James Anderson hits Wayne Johnson
with the heavyweight title belt... DOWNLOAD
Mason vs Drake Fuller
Fuller dropkicks Brad Mason... DOWNLOAD
Brad mason applies an armbar on Drake Fuller... DOWNLOAD
Drake Fuller attempts a swanton bomb... DOWNLOAD
Drake Fuller hits a missile dropkick...
Brad Mason hits the 'mason cutter'...
Drake Fuller lands a
swanton bomb ... DOWNLOAD
Silva vs Seven
Rod Silva levels
Seven with a clothesline... DOWNLOAD
Rod Silva misses a top rope splash... DOWNLOAD
Seven lands a top rope elbow... DOWNLOAD
Rod Silva hits the 'silva bullet'... DOWNLOAD
Adams vs Hellraiser
Draz Adams talking the smack about Hellraiser...
Hellraiser meets heavy offence from Draz
Adams ... DOWNLOAD
Draz Adams with a missile dropkick...
Draz Adams with a huge DDT on Hellraiser...
Hellraiser kicks out of a pinfall
attempt... DOWNLOAD
Hellraiser executes the 'firestorm'... DOWNLOAD
Hellraiser with the 'clothesline to hell'... DOWNLOAD
Slayer runs in and hits a chokeslam on Hellraiser... DOWNLOAD
Hellraiser with a high elbow on Draz Adams... DOWNLOAD
Hellraiser DDT's Draz Adams... DOWNLOAD
Draz Adams hits the 'lodown'... DOWNLOAD
Draz Adams hits a superkick on Hellraiser... DOWNLOAD
Mason vs Thorn - VCW Heavyweight Title
Brad Mason pushes Thorn off the ladder...
Thorn throws Brad Mason into the ladder... DOWNLOAD
Brad Mason brings Thorn off the ladder neck first... DOWNLOAD
Thorn gets suplexed onto the ladder... DOWNLOAD
Thorn dropkicks the ladder out from under
Brad Mason... DOWNLOAD
Thorn DDT's Brad Mason... DOWNLOAD
Brad Mason hit succesive german suplex's on Thorn... DOWNLOAD
Thorn cross bodies Brad Mason off the scaffolding... DOWNLOAD
Brad Mason superplex's Thorn... DOWNLOAD
Thorn hit the 'thornton bomb'... DOWNLOAD
James Anderson handcuffs Brad Mason to the bottom rope... DOWNLOAD
Thorn goes corner to corner with a 'van terminator'... DOWNLOAD
Thorn climbs the ladder to retreive the
heavyweight title belt... DOWNLOAD