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Construction work & office building - March 2005

Workers unloading bricks into the worksite

2nd level of the office building; interior when it was still under construction.

Back view (widows Home side) of the office building when it was in progress

Front of the office building, which now includes a store to sell the cards and handicrafts.

Just inside the front entrance, some of the ladies at the home literacy program

Widows Home construction site (office building in background)

Widows Home construction site - as seen from the office building

Widows Home & Surrounding Area - Photos
Poor widows of Varanasi
Widows Home – Property (2003 photos)
Widows Home property and construction – March 2005 (part 2)
Widows Home property and construction – March 2005 (part 1)
Widows Home construction – dirt transport work - March 2005 (part 1)
Widows Home construction – dirt transport work - March 2005 (part 2)

Sarnath Photo Tour Links
Photos of Sarnath Town & Zoo
Sarnath Ancient Ruins
Dhamekh Stupa by the ruins

Varanasi Photo Tour Links
Varanasi (Old City) Traffic & People
More Varanasi old city photos
Narrow Alleyways in the Old City of Varanasi
Varanasi Bathing Ghats on the Ganges River (part 1)
Varanasi Bathing Ghats on the Ganges River (part 2)
Photos of Flooding in Varanasi by the Ganges River
Sales of Hindu Idols in Varanasi
Sadhus on the Ghats
Water Buffalo bathing at the Ghats
Varanasi Cantonment Area

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