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WORLD WAR 3 2006!


No Dark Matches


(The red and yellow pyrotechnics explode near the staging area in The Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada and the arena fills with the light given off by them. "Got The Life" By Korn pounds the arena as the crowd goes wild. The camera shows the announce desk)

(Tony Reynolds) Good  evening America!! I as always am "Tenacious" Tony Reynolds joined by my hetero life mate The Professor Jason Summers and joining us in the announce booth is none other than the Former Xwa world Champion, the Jbl of the Xwa Duncan McCloud!!
(Duncan McCloud) You know it's good to be back Tony, the first thing I wanna say is ....Hetero life mate? What the hell is happening to this country?, Broke back Mountain is nominated for an Oscar, Three six Mafia wins an oscar for a song about how hard it is for a pimp, and wait did you just compare me to Jbl you second rate Todd Petagill?
(Jason Summers) Hahaha, dear god it's going to be one of those nights.
(Tony Reynolds) Folks what a show we have for you tonight! Matt Elliott and Flash will battle for the Intercontinental Championship, Shane Montez will have his first title defense as he will defend his world title in the Xwa's first ever Elimination Chamber. and then of course it's the big daddy of them all as more than 30 Xwa superstars will collide for a chance to headline the Xwa's Mega pay per view Ring of Honor.
(Jason Summers) It will be quite a show.
(Duncan McCloud) you still didn't answer my question you hack,  Do I look like a fake ass Million-Dollar man, you jackass? This show  will be a suck fest because I'm not on the card, nuff said.
(Tony reynolds) Well with that stunning endorsement of the show let's go to Devon Shire for our first contest of the night.
(camera cuts to Devon Shire in the ring)
(Bell rings)
(Devon Shire) The following contest of the night is scheduled for one fall and is for the Xwa Intercontinental Championship.
(Master of Puppets by Metallica begins to play)
(Devon Shire) Coming to the ring first, from Hazel Park, Michigan weighing in at 300 pounds here is "The Puppet Master" Matt Elliott!!!!
(Tony Reynolds)  Elliott getting a huge opportunity here, but his opponent is on quite the roll at the moment Can he over come the Charismatic Assassin we shall see.
Devon Shire: And His opponent........
(From the Inside" by Depswa plays)
(Devon Shire) From Dallas, Texas and weighing in at 265 pounds he is the Xwa Intercontinental champion here is "The Charismatic Assassin" Flash!!!!!!!!
Tony Reynolds: And here we go folks, Elliott  And Flash circle one
another, sizing each other up and they finally lock
up. Elliott pushes Flash back to the ropes and
connects with a knee to the midsection. Elliott whips
Flash into the ropes, and catches him right  under
the chin with a clothesline, Elliott bounces off the
ropes and connects with a huge elbow drop to the chest of
Flash. Elliott dominating the Charismatic Assassin  so far.
Elliott hooks the leg and goes for the Pin
1.........2..........kickout by Flash.  Elliott pulls Flash to his feet and goes for the vertical suplex but Flash floats out of it and gets behind
Elliott and slams him to the mat with the German suplex!! 

Flash Goes for the Pin

by Elliott, Flash lifts Elliott to his feet and
connects with the european uppercut, Flash
pushes Elliott Into the ropes and hits him with the
Irish whip, Elliott comes back ducks the clothesline and
hits the other side, Flash drops his head in
anticipation of the back body drop but Elliott hits
Flash with the double Arm ddt!!!! Elliott rolls Flash
over and goes for the pin
1............................................2................Flash gets the shoulder up!!!!!!!!! The big man Elliott  frustrated
stomps Flash in the chest stopping him from getting
to his feet.  Flash is being dominated here folks. Elliott pulls Flash to his feet by the
hair, he kicks Flash in the gut and lifts him up and drives Flash into the Mat with a choke slam! Elliott looks down at Flash and begins to walk to turnbuckle and climbs.
Jason Summers: What is he doing?
Duncan McCloud: this is stupid he should just pin this guy.
Tony Reynolds: Elliott steady's himself on the turnbuckle, he attempts the Shooting Star Press?!!!?!!?!!? and hits the mat hard as Flash rolls out of the way!!!!! The intercontinental champion finally catches  a break, Flash gets
to his feet, he Lifts Elliott up and and connects with the Falcon Arrow!!! 
Flash Goes For the Pin
1.................................2........................................3 Flash retains the title but not without taking a fair share of abuse!!!
Winner @ 13:07 and Still The Xwa Intercontinental Champion- "The Charismatic Assassin"Flash!!!
Tony Reynolds: Congratulations to the Intercontinental champion on retaining his title.
Jason Summers: Now he'll have a shot at becoming a double champion Tony as next up is the World title Elimination Chamber match, we'll see how much Flash has left in the Tank.
Duncan McCloud: Look whoever wins they will only be a paper champion, I wanna say this right now, I have a broken Orbital Bone in my right eye, once that is done healing expect the king to go back on his throne, I,Duncan McCloud have put this company on my shoulders many a day, No body cam do what I can do, Nobody can claim to have 4 world title reigns in this company but me. And when I come back, You better be ready cause I'll be working on World Title number 5 real soon. And you can bank on that bitch.
(Tony Reynolds) Strong words from the former "Drunken Zelot"
(Camera shows Synyster standing outside the lockerroom of Anthony Montez, he suddenly knocks at the door)
(door opens)
Anthony Montez: well, well, well I knew you'd be at my door eventually.
(Synyster) look I think I at least owe you an explanation.
(Anthony Montez) Hey, no need dude, you don't owe me anything at all. What's past is past.
(Synyster) really man?
(Anthony Montez) Yeah dude it's cool, it's over
(Synyster) Wow Tony thank you this kind of thing could ruin lives.
(Anthony Montez) Not a problem, but I still need to let the truth be known.
(Synyster) But you just we we're cool
(Anthony Montez) And we are man, but I still need to let my fans know what's happening, and Maybe, Shane, and Brandon, and Marcus K, Shane Meadows, Ohhhhhhh Mavick will want to know to
(Synyster) Why are you doing this?
(Anthony Montez) hahaha Doing what talking?
(Synyster) What do you want from me Tony?
(Anthony Montez) I want you to suffer, that why you'll learn from your mistakes.
(Synyster) I'm begging you now, don't do this to me, I'll do anything.
(Anthony Montez) Anything huh? Okay Syn you want a reprieve you got it but only if you do one thing for me?
(Synyster) I said I'd do anything
(Anthony Montez) Good then if it should come down between you or Shane, you lie down for him.
(Syn has a look of shock on his face)
(Synyster) What?
(Anthony Montez) You heard me, Lay down for Shane and you better make it look good.
(Syn simply walks as the camera shows Anthony Montez with a sinister smile on his face)
(camera cuts to commercial)
Xwa presents: Live from The Rogers Center (formerly the Sky dome) in Toronto, Canada, It's Ring of Honor 2006!!!
Coming in April 2006
Be Ready!!!!
(commercial ends)
(Tony Reynolds) Welcome back folks it's time for our first main event of the night, the chamber has been lowered let's go to the ring announcer Devon shire for the contestants.
(bell rings)
(Devon Shire) The following contest is an elimination chamber match and it is for the Xwa world title!!!
(Fans cheer wildly)
(From the Inside by Depswa plays)
(Devon Shire) Coming to the ring first, from Dallas Texas, he is the Xwa intercontinental champion here is the charismatic Assassin Flash!!!!!!!!!
(Flash makes his way to the ring as the crowd gives him a nice pop)
(Tony Reynolds) Flash has a huge opportunity here, he can be only the second man  in the company's history to win a world title after holding another singles title.
(Duncan McCloud) Whatever, I'm the only Xwa wrestlers who matters, Flash can kiss my ass and you can quote me on that .
(Jason Summers) Wow Duncan you are just so full of Sunshine and rainbows today aren't you?
(Duncan McCloud)  Kiss my ass you living relic of Broke back Mountain.
(Tony Reynolds) Boys Calm down.
(Seven Nation Army By the White Stripes Plays)
(Devon Shire) and his Opponent from Queens, New York he is a former Xwa World champion, he is the Living Legend, Cruncher!!!!!!
(The Crowd stands at on their clapping along to Cruncher's theme song as the multiple time Xwa champion makes his way to the ring)
(Tony Reynolds) One of the True wonders of the world folks, Cruncher is definitely one of the best this sport has to offer, he's headlined Wrestle brawl, Ring of Honor, Wrestlemania's, You name the company this man has been to the top of that mountain.
(Jason Summers) And he'll be looking to do so again tonight, but it won't be easy.
(Stricken" By Disturbed plays)
(Devon Shire) And their Opponent.... Hailing from Lexington, Kentucky, here is Kryptonite-X!!!!!!!!
(The crowd boos incessantly as Kryptonite-X smiling makes his way to the chamber)
(Tony Reynolds) Definitely one of the most Infamous men in this business, his personality severely Anti-Social, his brand of humor is unfunny to most and his ability to wield a Sledge Hammer is the stuff of legends.
(Duncan McCloud) Yeah but it works, that's how this business really works, Announcer!
(Personal Jesus by Marylin Manson plays)

(Devon Shire) and his Opponent from Jamaica Queens, New York he is one half of the Xwa World tag team champions, here is "The Personal Jesus" Brandon S. Yelder!!!!

(Brandon emerges from behind the curtain to a mixed reaction from the crowd)
(Tony Reynolds) Brandon S Yelder another man with a huge track record in the biz, he wants that title probably more than anyone, but it'll be tough in this match.
(Hollow Ground by Hatebreed Plays)
(Devon Shire) and his opponent from the deepest reaches of your soul, he is one half of the Xwa World tag team champions , here is Synyster!!!!!!!!
(Tony Reynolds) No one has been on a tear in the last few months quite like this man, Synyster is defitnely on a roll, could he be going to Ring Of Honor, we will surely see.
(The Superman March Plays)
(Devon Shire) And Their Opponent... From Beersville, Pennsylvania weighing in at 240 pounds, he is the Xwa world heavyweight champion, here is the Sensational Shooter" Shane Montez!!!!!!
(The Crowd is mixed as the Xwa world champion makes his way from behind the curtain, Montez looks at his opposition in the ring and simply laughs as he walks silently to the ring)
(Tony Reynolds) Here we go folks, Montez is in the Chamber and the ref is locking the door. Flash and Kryptonite-X are starting this one out as the other's are concealed in their chambers.  K-x and Flash lock up and K-x gets the advantage with the thumb to the eye. K-X gets the Irish whip in on Flash; Flash comes back off the ropes and ducks the clothesline and comes out the other side. Flash comes back off the ropes, and he is met with a jumping knee from K-X!!!! Flash is down after that brutal knee. K-x back to his feet backs up and catches big air as he drops a big leg drop across the chest of the intercontinental champion. K-x goes for the first cover of the night 1............................................2.........................Kickout by Flash!!!     Kryptonite-X pulls Flash back up by his hair and whips him into the ropes and drops his head, Flash catches him on the comeback with  a kick to the head that rocks K-X.  Flash bounces off the ropes and he connects with a Lariat that levels the Xwa Superman!!!! Flash goes for the cover 1................................2..........................No, K-x gets the shoulder up at the last second and the Timer is counting down


here comes the first Chamber entry!!!, It's Brandon S Yelder!!! Brandon exits the chamber and charges toward flash and hits him with knee to the midesction, Brandon lifts Flash up and connects with the Roc Slide!!!!; Brandon goes for the cover 1....................................2...............................Broken up by K-X who drops the leg drop On The Personal Jesus!!!!, K-X pulls Brandon to his feet and connects with a series of punches  to the solarplexis, Kryptonite-X hooks Brandon up and connects with a back breaker!!!, What a move by K-X.    K-x takes a breather, he stands up and turns around and is leveled by Flash who connects with another brutal Lariat!!!

(Duncan McCloud) Dude he came out of nowhere,Oh man is that going to hurt like hell in the morning.
(Tony Reynolds)Oh that is not in dispute, Flash lifts Brandon up on his feet and Irish whips him into the ropes, Flash charges Brandon and knocks over the top rope onto the frame of the Chamber. and the Clock is ticking down once again, we're going to get a new entry into this match.





Here comes the next  Entry and it's Cruncher!!!!! Cruncher burst out of his chamber  goes for the pin on K-X 1.....................2 Kickout by Kryptonite-X!!!!!, Flash looks on as Cruncher mounts K-X and starts to unload punches upon him. Flash decides to let it go and follows Brandon to the outside the ring.  Flash lifts Brandon to his feet and Irish whips into the side of the chamber, Brandon is dazed and turns around, Flash hooks him up and tries to go for a fisherman's buster, but Brandon blocks it and hits him with an Elbow to the side of the face. Flash grabs his face in pain, Brandon moves quickly and hits Flash with a Kick to the stomach. Flash doubles over in pain, Brandon goes for The Ruby Rain but Flash manages to block it and grabs Brandon from behind and pushes into the side of the cage. Flash rolls back and tries to roll Brandon up with him, but Brandon grabs the side of the cage and manages to hang on! Brandon springboards off the side of the Cage and hits Flash with the Ruby Red Press!!!! Brandon goes for the cover 1..........................................2.............................................3 Flash has been Eliminated!!!! it took a lot of work by the personal Jesus but he has finally put away the charismatic Assassin! The clock is counting down again and look like we're going to get a new entry into this match



The clock hits zero and one of the chamber doors opens and Synyster emerges!!!!!!!!!!! Synyster hits the chamber like a Bat out of hell he sees K-X coming toward him and downs him with a side kick, here comes Cruncher and he hits him with a Choke slam!!! Synyster is like a man possessed. Synyster pulls K-X to his feet and motions to his tag partner Brandon to assist with the Double Team. Brandon makes his way back in the ring, Synyster lifts K-x up on his shoulders, Brandon runs against the ropes, he comes back and goes airborne and knocks K-x off Syn's Shoulders with the Temple Kick!!!!

(crowd holy shit, Holy shit, Holy shit)
(Tony Reynolds) Syn and Brandon dominating this match thus far! What a move Syn goes for the cover on K-X!!!1........................................2...........................................Thr-broken up by Cruncher of all people!!!!! Cruncher saves K-X!!! Cruncher the smallest man in the match stands and goes nose to nose with Synyster. Synyster backs Cruncher up against the ropes with a series of kicks to the midsection and whips him into the ropes, Cruncher comes back off the ropes and Synyster goes for the clothesline, but Cruncher ducks it and slides between Syn's legs, Cruncher makes it to his feet and is met by Yelder who goes for the lariat, Cruncher evades it and grabs Yelder by the arm and springboards off the middle rope and connects with the tornado ddt!!!! What a Move By Cruncher!!!!!!!! the clock is counting down here comes the world champion


The Chamber door opens and Shane Montez is loose!! All the Competitors left in this one are in the ring. Shane Montez makes his out of the chamber and charges toward Brandon S Yelder and spears him onto the steel grate outside the ring. Cruncher is in the ring with Kryptonite-X and has the Boston crab locked on, and Synyster is nowhere to be found!! Montez begins to pull Bsy to his feet but Brandon fights back with a shot to the gut. Brandon quickly makes it to his feet and hits Shane with a thumb to the eye, Brandon goes to grab Shane but Shane stomps down on Brandon's foot and hits him with Knee to the midsection. Shane sees the ropes and springboards off of them and try's to level Bsy with the clothesline but Brandon catches him in midair. Brandon hooks Shane up and hits Montez with a -T Bone suplex  through the glass!!!!!!!!! Dear God the champion has been destroyed!!!

(Crowd Chants, Holy shit, Holy Shit, Holy shit)
Brandon walks over the glass and goes for the cover on Shane 1............................2...................................Montez gets the shoulder up!!!!! Cruncher has Kryptonite-X trapped in the corner and is working on that right leg, Cruncher pulls K-x out of the corner and whips him into the ropes. Kryptonite-X comesback off the ropes and gets leveled with a shoulder block for his trouble, Cruncher makes it back to his feet and turns around and catches a Yakuza Kick to the chops that knocks the former champ to the mat. Synyster goes for the cover 1...............................................................2....................Kickout by Cruncher! Synyster is upset but doesn't panic, he pulls Cruncher to his feet by the hair and shoves him into the corner. Syn climbs on the middle turnbuckle and starts drilling punches into the head of the living legend. K-X is still down in the ring. Brandon and Shane Montez are still fighting on the outside. Synyster climbs down off the ropes and Cruncher drops to the mat in a heap. Synyster pulls Cruncher to his feet and kicks in the midsection, Synyster grabs Cruncher by the throat and hits him with the Pride Chokeslam!!!!
(Jason Summers) Cruncher's road to the title may be ending here tonight.
(Tony Reynolds) It just might......wait look Kryptonite-X is behind Synyster waiting for him to turn around....., K-X grabs Synyster by the arm and turns him around, K-x strikes with a kick to the midsection, He hooks Synyster up and Connects with the X-Downfall!!!!!!!!! That brutal 360 pedigree!!!! K-X goes for the cover 1............................2.............................................3!!!!!!!! Synyster has been Eliminated by K-X!!!!! This match has suddenly become a four man affair. Shane Montez has finally managed to get the upper hand on Brandon S Yelder.  Montez grabs Brandon by the hair and smacks his head repeatedly against the side of the chamber wall!!! Brandon has been busted wide open, now he matches Shane who was partially cut open when Brandon T-boned him through that glass., Shane  picks Brandon  up; and he connects with a powerbomb! Shane goes for the cover 1......................2 Kickout by Brandon!! K-X is still in the ring and he is stalking former world champion Cruncher. Cruncher is finally coming to after that brutal chokeslam by Synyster. Cruncher finally makes it to his feet and almost stumbles, K-X sees his opportunity and takes it. K-X charges toward Cruncher and goes for the super kick, Cruncher sees him out of the corner of his eye at the last second and sidesteps-K-X sending K-X into the ropes, K-x's leg is caught in the ropes, Cruncher sees his opportunity and takes it, he sprints to his feet and springboards off the middle rope and hits The Purorana!!!! 1............................2.......................................3!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cruncher has Eliminated K-X and this match has quickly been weeded down to three men. Brandon and Shane Montez don't even seem to notice the champion and challenger are still trying to catch one another off guard. Cruncher looking fatigued makes it back up to his feet, he spots Montez and Yelder going at it, Cruncher runs against the ropes and charges forward he pops up on the top of the middle rope in front of Brandon and Shane and goes for the Shooting Star Press, Brandon sees it coming and pushes Shane in the path of Cruncher!
(Duncan McCloud) haha that was brilliant!
(Tony Reynolds) Brandon S. Yelder using his noggin and  lets Cruncher and Shane Montez take most of the damage. Shane Montez is out cold! Brandon pushes Cruncher out of the Way and goes for the pin on Shane 1................................2...........................................................3!!!!!! Brandon has eliminated the World Champion!!!! Tonight ladies and Gentlemen a New World's Champion will be Crowned!!!
(Jason Summers) What a Match!
(Tony Reynolds) It's down to the final two, Brandon looking to win his first Xwa world title, Cruncher looking to regain the title he views as rightfully being his. Both men have shown incredible heart. Who will walk out of Las Vegas with the Xwa world title in their possession, here we go,Cruncher and Brandon circle one another, and they lock up. Brandon takes an advantage with a knee to the midsection. Brandon follows it up with another, and another and another, Brandon lifts Cruncher up and hits him with the scoop slam. Brandon firmly in control, picks Cruncher back up and whips him into the corner. Brandon charges into the corner but Cruncher jumps over Brandon's head as Brandon goes crashing chest first into the turnbuckle, Cruncher lands behind Brandon and rolls him up for the pin, but Brandon gets a piece of Cruncher's arm and manages to lock on a Triangle Choke!!!!!!Cruncher is struggling for air, he is turning all shades of blue!!!!!!!
(Jason Summers) Good move by Brandon!
(Tony Reynolds) Will Cruncher tap out?!!!?!
(Duncan McCloud) He might have to the pain has to be unbearable.
(Tony Reynolds) Cruncher is fading, he is still he is going down to one knee, Brandon is holding onto this hold with all the strength his body can muster. Cruncher starts to move again the desperation is in his eyes. Cruncher tries to reach for the side of the cage with his foot and manages to nudge his way closer, Cruncher kicks off the side of the Cage and flips over, Brandon still has the Triangle Choke on!!! 1..............................2.........................kickout by Brandon S Yelder!!!!! Man that was so close!!!!   Cruncher is done folks I don't think he has much of anything left after that. Brandon is tired as well both of these men have been in this chamber for well more than an hour. It looks like there will be a race as to who can make it to their feet first. There's some movement by Brandon, and Cruncher is starting to show signs of life. Brandon makes it to his feet first, he walks over toward Cruncher and pulls him to his feet. Brandon signals for the Midnight explosion, he lifts Cruncher up using the Pump handle, Cruncher is fighting back and manages to float of it and gets behind Bsy, Cruncher rolls up Brandon 1...............................2.................................3!!!!!!!! Cruncher Wins the title, Cruncher wins the title Cruncher is the world champion for a Third time!!!
(Devon Shire) Your Winner of the match and The NEW World Heavyweight champion of the world here is CRUNCHER!!!!!!
Winner By Pinfall @ 1 hour and 15 minutes and New World champion-Cruncher!!
(Tony Reynolds) Cruncher has over come the odds and Managed to snag the Xwa title for a third time.
(Jason Summers) Congratulations to the new Xwa champion, Cruncher
(Duncan McCloud)..............
(Tony Reynolds) Well Duncan sends his congrats to Cruncher as well I suppose.
(Duncan McCloud) The hell I do.


(Tony Reynolds) Folks we'll be back with the Battle Royal right after these messages
(Camera  cuts to Commercial)
The Xwa and RF Video Present the Following Dvd's
He's Out Spoken, Cocky and one of the Most dominate Athletes In the lexicon that is current  wrestling history..........
Xwa Presents
Your F'n Savior: The Best of Terrell Yelder!!!!
This DVD features Interviews from several family and friends of Terrell, Including an Interview with the man himself, It includes several of his matches from his Xwa, Iwf and Rebellion runs, Including his legendary battle with Synyster at Collision Course. This Video includes over 6 hours of action in a 3 disc Dvd Set
Another Video Being Introduced is Ring Of Honor 2005!
It was a night of champions as the first Ring of Honor set the stage for many pay per views to come.  This Video includes over 4 hours of action including several dark matches and interviews with several Xwa wrestlers, this video even includes an episode of the Hot Spot In which Marcus K Yelder interviewed Ricky the Dragon Steamboat!
These Videos are available where ever Video's and Dvd's are sold!!!
(End of Commercial)
Coming Soon to The Xwa! ...............Things will never be the same again.
Coming in April!!!!!!!!!!
(Commercial ends)
(Tony Reynolds) Welcome back folks, nothing like a little shameless self promotion folks, Well it's time for the World War 3 battle royal any Predictions folks?
(Jason Summers) Even though he lost the chamber match, Shane Montez is my pick, the sensational one has got to be fuming that he lost the title and will be out for some payback. Duncan what about you?
(Duncan McCloud) I know Shane's pain believe me, but unlike him when I come back that title will be around my waist sooner than later but if I have to make a prediction, I'm going to go with The Masked Genius, I hear he's been having knee problems at least that's what I read on the Internet but I think that won't matter in the least bit, he is just too dominate. My Pick is The Genius bar none.
(Tony Reynolds) Well Folks we're about to find out . Lets go ring announcer
(Bell Rings)
(Devon Shire) The following contest is the World War 3 Battle Royal!!!
(crowd begins to roar loudly as Wherever I May Roam" by Metallica begins to play) 
(Devon Shire) Coming to the Ring first from Death Valley, California weighing in at 543 pounds here is Big Brian Norton!!!
(Duncan McCloud) Here comes the Xwa's Answer to the Yeti, hahaha has this guy done anything in this company?
(Jason Summers) Oh come on that's not fair, I'll go out on a limb and say that Norton should be one to watch in this matchup his size definitely gives him an Advantage.
(Duncan McCloud) No his Size will give him a Heart attack, he's 543 pounds, fat bastard
(My Way" by Frank Sinatra)
(Devon Shire) and the second entry in this match from the Southside of Boston weighing in at 275 pounds here comes the Lone Wolf Vinny Gambino!!!!
(Bell Rings)
(Tony Reynolds) Here we go, Gambino goes right after Norton, Norton fights Gambino off and with ease tosses him into to the ropes. Norton grabs the legs, trying to lift Gambino over the top rope, Gambino goes over but manages to hold onto the middle rope and keep his feet from touching the floor. Gambino pulls himself up and into the ring while Norton is celebrating, Gambino bounces up against the ropes and attempts to take down the big man with a shoulder block that has no effect,  Gambino looks into the eyes of the big man and decides to try again,  Gambino bounces up against the ropes,Norton sees him coming and goes for the clothesline Gambino ducks it and comes out the other side, Gambino comes back off the ropes, Norton is slow to turn around, Gambino dives and takes Norton down to one leg with a chop block  to the knee!!! Gambino gets to his feet and begins to stomp on Norton. Norton grabs Gambino by the throat and Gambino is in a world of trouble!!!, Norton gets to his feet and lifts him  up and hits him with a brutal rotating chokeslam!!!! The whole ring shook!!!!
(Jason summers) look at the timer it's counting down we're getting a new entry into the match!



 Buzzer goes off!!!!
 (Wings  Of A Butterfly By H.I.M Plays)
(Tony Reynolds) It's Anthony Montez!!!! Montez taking his time walking to the ring, Montez just standing outside watching Norton beating on Gambino, Montez looks like he's walking toward our announce table.
(Anthony Montez) Hey Gimme your seat, Summers...Get YOUR ASS UP!!!
(Tony Reynolds) Anthony Montez forcing the professor out of his seat and he proceeds to fold the chair up and gets in the ring!! Montez walks over toward Norton and smacks him in the back of the  head with the chair!!!! and Norton goes down like a ton of bricks!!! Montez takes the bent up chair and begins to wail on the back of Vinny Gambino. Montez pulls Gambino to his feet and tosses him over the top rope and Gambino has gone the way of the 8 track tape player because he is officially history!! The clock is ticking down here we go again. here comes another contestant into this matchup.
Buzzer Goes Off!!!!!!!!
("Master of Puppets" by Metallica Plays)
It's "The Pupper Master" Matt Elliott! After the tough match he had earlier tonight i'm surprised he'll be able to participate in this match. The Puppet Master charges the ring and dishes a right hand to Montez but Norton rushes over and knee's Elliott in the gut. Norton grabs Montez and Elliott by the throat and attempts the double chokeslam but both men manage to fight him off. Elliott and Montez double team Norton by kicking him in the knees knocking the behemoth against the ropes. Elliott  grabs Norton's leg and is trying to force him over, Montez comes over to give him a hand both men are struggling to get Norton over. Norton is fighting back, Norton kicks Montez back, Norton grabs Elliott by the head and tosses him to the mat and manages to climb back into the ring. That was a definite close call for the big man. The clock is ticking down here we go again. here comes another contestant into this matchup.
Buzzer Goes Off!!!!!!!!
(The Stars Are Underground" by The Frames)
(Tony Reynolds) It's former tag champion, Shawn Shamrock!! Shamrock steps through the ropes and is immediately ambushed by Anthony Montez but the strength of the excellent one over powers the smaller Montez. Shamrock whips Montez into the ropes and clotheslines him to the mat. Elliott and Norton are going at it the corner. Elliot and Norton lock up and Norton gets the advantage. Norton manages to overpower Elliott and pushes him in the corner and hits him with several stiff knife edge chops to the chest. Norton pulls Elliott out of the corner and hip tosses him across the ring and follows it up with kick to the back! Norton is dominating, Norton charges across the ring and runs over Montez and Shamrock with a huge double arm clothesline, Norton is cleaning house here.
The clock is ticking down here we go again. here comes another contestant into this matchup.
Buzzer Goes Off!!!!!!!!
(Pieces" by Dark New Day plays)
Here comes one of the newer acquisitions to the Xwa roster, his name is Doug Kinsella and he is about to make his Xwa debut. Kinsella hits the ring and goes after Brian Norton, Kinsella hits Norton with a elbow shot to the head. He try's to lift the massive Norton up but it's just not going to happen. Norton gains his balance and downs Kinsella with a punch to the spine. Norton grabs Kinsella and power slams him with authority to the mat. Matt Elliott comes out of nowhere and hits Norton with baseball slide to the face!!! Here comes another entry folks!
Buzzer Goes Off!!!!!!!!
It's one half of the tag team champions Synyster!!!! he looks a little run down which is understandable ,the man competed in a brutal elimination chamber match less than an hour ago. Synyster enters the ring and attacks Brian Norton, Synyster is just unloading shots into the frame of Norton. Synyster calls over to the others in the ring, here comes Elliott,Shamrock, Montez, and Kinsella all five men are pummeling the big man, Norton is trying his darnest to fight back, but it's all in vain they manage to over power Norton and send him over the top rope and Norton is Eliminated!!!!
The Men in this match managed to use team work to eliminate a much bigger threat, but just like that the teamwork is over as Anthony Montez Is trying to eliminate Shawn Shamrock, Shamrock has his feet tied up in the ropes trying to hang on for dear life.......
Buzzer Goes Off!!!!!!!!
(Look to your orb for the warning by Monster Magnet plays)
It's Shane Donovan!!!!! The New Religion!!! has returned to the Xwa!!! Donovan stomps menacingly toward the ring. He looks like he's ready to rip someone's head off folks.  Donovan climbs right in the ring and starts going at it with Matt Elliot!!!, Elliot gets the advantage with a thumb to the throat, Elliott whips Donovan into the ropes, Donovan comes back off the ropes and hits Elliott with the spear!!! Donovan sees Anthony Montez struggling with Shawn Shamrock and motions for Montez to move out of the way, Montez moves and Donovan charges toward Shamrock and connects with a big boot to the face that sends  Shamrock hurtling to the floor outside, Shane Donovan has eliminated Shawn Shamrock!!! Matt Elliot makes it his feet and sees his tag partner has been eliminated and charges toward an unsuspecting Donovan, Anthony Montez sees him coming and connects with the The Gateway To The Future sending Elliott crashing over the top rope!!! Synyster and the newcomer Kinsella are throwing some pretty wild blows in the center of the ring this Las Vegas crowd is at a  fever pitch, just look at these two their tearing into each other. Synyster throws out a vicious right  hook that manages to open a cut on Kinsella's forehead. Kinsella is dazed and confused, Synyster backs up against the ropes and charges forward and connects with the big boot sending Kinsella to the mat! Synyster mounts Kinsella and applies The Synyster Stranglehold!! Kinsella quickly taps out but Synyster refuses to let go of the hold and Kinsella has passed out! due to lack of oxygen. Shane Donovan sees Kinsella in trouble and attacks Synyster!!! Donovan is stomping away at Synyster forcing him to break the hold on Kinsella. Anthony Montez is on the other side of the ring taking a breather.
(Duncan McCloud) Not a bad game plan by Montez, let the others beat the crap out of each other while you conserve your energy.
(Tony Reynolds) Donovan pulls Synyster to his feet and hits him with a elbow to the head, Donovan lifts the big man up and drops him to the mat with a body slam! Donovan quickly climbs to the top rope, Anthony Montez comes out of nowhere and trips Donovan and he crotches the top turnbuckle in agony. Synyster gets back to his feet and climbs the middle turnbuckle, Synyster lifts Donovan off the turnbuckle and connects with the Synyster Slam!!!!!
Buzzer goes off
(From the Inside by Depswa begins to play)
It's Flash, the Intercontinental champion looking for another opportunity to main event Ring of Honor. Flash enters the ring and goes after Synyster. Montez has Kinsella trapped in the ropes, Kinsella tries to fight back but Anthony connects with that devasting super kick of his and sends the rookie crashing to the arena floor, Kinsella has been Eliminated!!!! Synyster breaks free from Flash and he begins to feed elbows to the head of Flash and then delivers a massive right shot to the frame of the Intercontinental champion. Synyster grabs Flash by the throat and attempts the chokeslam, but Flash floats out of it and connects with a tornado ddt!!! Shane Donovan  has recovered. He makes it to his feet where he is met by Anthony Montez. Donovan and Montez start exchanging punches. Synyster Thumbs Flash in the eye, Syn kicks Flash in the gut, positions him  and Synyster hits The Ultimate Sin!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flash is out Cold On the Mat. Synyster Lifts Flash to His Feet and tosses him up and over the top rope but Flash manages to grab the top rope and keeps his chances alive. Flash manages to pull himself back into the ring and collapses on the canvas. Synyster has taken out Norton , and almost took out Flash right then and there. He is defitnely establishing his dominance here tonight. Synyster is eagerly awaiting the next participant, while Anthony Montez and Donovan are still fighting in the Ring. Flash gets to his feet and sneaks  from behind and pushes them over, Montez and Donovan are hanging on the ropes for dear life..........
                                         Buzzer goes off
           (Paint it Black by the Rolling stones begins to plays)
And Curse Coltrane comes running out to a huge ovation and goes right after Synyster, Synyster and Coltrane exchange blows in the center of the ring, Montez And Donovan are back in the ring and they both go after Flash the man who tried to take them out, Flash is getting the business from Montez and Donovan as both men continue to attack at once, they lift Flash up and toss him over the top rope, Flash has been Eliminated


Buzzer goes off
(Pony By Ginuwine plays)
It's the Xwa light-heavyweight champion, Ja Killer.  He comes running in and goes after Coltrane and Synyster, Coltrane is still in it, Synyster still in, Anthony Montez is in, and Shane Donovan  & Ja Killer just entered the fight. Ja Killer hits Coltrane with a right hand, Coltrane takes exception and starts to return the favor, Synyster comes out of nowhere and takes both out with a double arm clothesline. 
Buzzer goes off
(Cowboys From Hell" by Pantera rocks the arena)
It's the Xwa hardcore champion and  this Vegas crowd just came alive folks! Pain "the toughest man" In the Xwa hits the ring and goes after the biggest guy still In the match, Synyster!!!!, Pain comes up from behind Syn and hits him with a double axe handle to the back of the head. Synyster goes to grab Pain but he uses his strength to push Syn off. Synyster and Pain charge toward each other with bad intentions, they collide in the middle with double clothesline and Synyster and Pain are both sprawled out on the mat!
Buzzer goes off
(Fallout Boy's Sugar We're Going Down begins to play)
Here comes another recently signed superstar to the Xwa roster his name is Chris Van Dam! Van Dam runs in and goes after Coltrane... he hits Curse with rights and lefts knocking him into the corner, Coltrane fights back with a brutal eye gouge blinding the rookie. Coltrane knees Van Dam in the crotch and follows it up with a double arm ddt!!! Coltrane pulls Van Dam up and tosses him in the corner. Coltrane further continues his dominance with a couple of well placed kicks to the midsection of Van Dam!
(Duncan McCloud) Who the hell is that?
(Tony Reynolds) what do you mean?
(Duncan McCloud) I mean that ass hole in the Rey Mysterio mask, coming out of the crowd and climbing in the ring!
(Tony Reynolds) We need Security out here there is a fan in the ring, he's going to get himself killed!
(Jason Summers) Hey he's going after Coltrane!
(Tony Reynolds) Folks I don't know what to tell you but there is apparently some mark in the ring who has decided to make wrestling even more interactive, he's attacking Coltrane, Coltrane fights him off and goes for a spinning heel kick but he misses, Chris Van Dam sneaks up from behind Coltrane and flips him over the top rope! Curse Coltrane has been eliminated and the fan is disappearing through the crowd with security chasing after him!
(Duncan McCloud) I don't like Coltrane but...
(Jason Summers) yeah and....
(Duncan McCloud) What? that's all I wanted to say, I don't like Coltrane.
(Tony Reynolds) Synyster, Pain, Chris Van Dam, Ja Killer, Anthony Montez and Shane Donovan remain in the ring, Anthony Montez has been in the longest clocking in at nearly an hour. Synyster and Ja Killer are in the corner trying to eliminate Pain. Donovan,Anthony Montez and Chris Van Dam are on the other side of the ring triple teaming Ja Killer but Ja manages to fight them off. Ja goes after Anthony Montez with a spear. Chris Van Dam goes airborne and kicks Donovan in the face with a spinning heel kick.
Buzzer goes off
(Better Than You" by Metallica begins to play)
(Jason Summers) Tony I don't recognize that music do you?
(Tony Reynolds) No but I recognize the guy coming toward the ring it's the Xwa General Manager Kriminul!!!!! Kriminul in the battle royal I thought he was retired???, Kriminul hits the ring with a fury and goes straight after Ja killer, he pulls Ja off of Anthony Montez and whips him into the ropes, Ja the bigger man comes back off the ropes and goes for the big boot but Kriminal ducks and comes out the other side, he springs boards off the middle rope and hits a moonsault into a ddt on Ja Killer!!!! Kriminal gets back to his feet and pulls the light heavyweight champion to his feet and tosses him to the floor below!! and Ja Killer has been eliminated by a returning Kriminal!! Kriminal continues his attack he grabs Chris Van Dam by the hair and tosses him over the top rope!!! Kriminul is a beast on the warpath!! 
Buzzer goes off
("The Imperial March" by John Williams begins to play)
(Tony  Reynolds) It's  the Sensational Shooter!!!!, the former world champion is not in a good mood after losing the title earlier tonight, he hits the ring and pulls out a Kendo Stick, Shane starts to clean house, he hits Synyster, Pain walks up and gets cracked in the head for his trouble, Kriminul charges Montez but he gets a shot in the head as well, Shane Montez continues to attack everyone who comes in his path, the shooter is pissed and everyone else is going to feel his pain.
Buzzer goes off
(Come Out and Play" by The Offspring begins to play )
It's Kid Domino! This is his first Pay Per View After a 2 month layoff. Domino pops up on the Apron, He springboards off the middle rope and takes down Shane Montez with a hurracanranna, Montez shakes it off and begins to take it to the former tag champion!!, Montez digs in with a couple of knees to the midsection of Domino, Montez lifts Domino up and drives him into the mat with the Montez Driver! Paul Pain and Shane Donovan are going at it in the corner. Pain knees Donovan in the groin and pushes him into the corner. Pain continues the pressure choking Donovan out with his boot! Anthony Montez walks over and assists Pain and both men are overwhelming the big man, Pain and Montez pull Shane Donovan out of the corner and whip him into the ropes, Pain and Montez charges toward Donovan and clothesline him over the top rope and the comeback of Shane Donovan ends at least for tonight! Shane Montez has just eliminated Kid domino!! that's a too for one elimination!!
Buzzer goes off
(The crowd explodes as the Voting Song from Survivor plays )
Its The Masked Genius!!!!! The former Xwa champion charges the ring and he and Shane Montez face off!!! what a matchup, two of the all time greats going at it right here, Genius gets the early advantage with a side headlock, then spinning it into a hip throw, taking Montez to the mat. I can't believe this everyone else is brawling like street thugs yet these two are wrestling, Genius keeps the pressure of Montez, Montez trying to reposition himself for the escape, he climbs to one knee to take some of the pressure off, Montez makes it back to his feet but Genius still has that Headlock cinched in tight. Montez lifts Genius up and  connects with the slingshot suplex forcing Genius to break the hold!!!!
Buzzer goes off
( Stricken" By Disturbed)
It's the self proclaimed Xwa Superman!!!! Kryptonite-X walks confidently to the ring and helps Shane Montez double team Genius! Montez and K-X whip Genius into the ropes and hit him with a double clothesline! Synyster comes to the aid of Genius as he and K-X start to go at it!!! Anthony Montez is tied up with Kriminal on the far side of the ring, Kriminal gets the advantage and pushes Montez into the corner, he goes for a punch but Montez blocks it and hits sidekick to the midsection of Kriminul, Kriminul fires back with a kick of his own sending Anthony stumbling against the ropes! Kriminal charges but Anthony pulls down the top rope and Kriminul goes over but lands on the apron, Kriminul quickly leaps on the top rope and jumps off hitting Anthony Montez with a text book ddt!!!
Buzzer goes off
( Party Hard" By Andrew W. K brings to play)
It's Xwa superstar Aaron Willis, Willis makes his way out to the ring and joins the fray! Montez and The Genius are still putting on a wrestling clinic here in the Battle Royal folks. Genius is still down after the double team from K-X and Montez moments ago. Montez is seemingly stalking his prey, Montez pulls Genius up and drives him back first into the turnbuckle! Montez connects with a few well placed chops to the chest before whipping Genius across the ring into the opposite corner, Montez looks out at the crowd, turns, and charges toward Genius, Montez goes for the drop kick but Genius moves out of the way, Shane leaps up on the middle turnbuckle and springboards off, Genius catches him in mid-air and drives him down to the mat with the spine buster!
Buzzer goes off
(Changes" by Godsmack)
It's former Xwa light-weight champion Jason Steele!! Steele making his Xwa return after a knee injury sidelined him several months back. Steele hits the ring with a fury, he locks up with Aaron Willis and the two youngsters go at it. Kryptonite-X has disappeared somewhere no wait there he is! K-X is stalking Willis and Steele! Steele dishes out a right hand that rocks Willis, Willis gets some revenge with a nice kick to the stomach of Steele! Willis keeps up the assault and manages to back Steele against the ropes. Steele is in some trouble here. Willis keeps it up and manages knock Steele over the top rope!!! Steele is Eliminated and The youngster Willis is rightfully celebrating. Kryptonite-X charges toward Willis and nearly takes his damn head off with a clothesline!!!! what a move by  K-X! K-X waited to make his move and struck! K-X lifts Willis up and easily tosses him over the top rope!! and Aaron Willis is gone from this matchup.
Buzzer goes off
(Unleashed" by Saliva rocks the arena)
The Executioner makes his way out from behind the curtain and barrels toward the ring. This kid is 6'10 and 315 pounds of power, he should be a threat in this match. Executioner steps over the ropes and is met by the other big man Synyster! Synyster has been in this thing for an hour and is still going strong. Syn pulls Executioner in the ring and hits him with multiple headbutt's dizzying the rookie. Masked Genius has just eliminated Kriminul!!! and Shane Montez has just taken out Paul Pain and this match is moving quickly toward an end. Looks like we're getting another entry into this man!
Buzzer goes off
(Just Close Your Eyes" by Waterproof Blonde)
It's "The Hot Commodity Marcus K Yelder"!!!! This kid you have to believe has a great chance at winning especially since he's coming into this thing so late. Mky hits the ring and goes straight for Anthony Montez who has been taking it easy. These two guys hate each other with a passion, it is quite a storied rivalry. Marcus and Anthony are trying their best to kill each other, when the executioner comes charging toward, he goes for the clothesline but Montez moves as Mky pulls down the top rope and the big man goes flying over!!! the Executioner is Gone!!!! Here comes the last entrant in this match folks
Buzzer goes off
(Sympathy For the Devil" by The Rolling Stones)
It's Xavier Lawless he charges the ring and goes at it with Marcus K and Anthony Montez. And this is it folks one of these seven men is going to Ring of Honor!!! Will it be Shane Montez, or Kryptonite-X maybe Anthony Montez who was the third man in this match, maybe it will be Marcus K. Yelder? Or Xavier Lawless or will Masked Genius be facing Cruncher? or will Synyster get another shot at the gold?  Synyster and K-X are going at it, and Marcus is in firm control of Anthony Montez. Marcus is relentless, he's bombarding Anthony Montez with chops on the chest, Marcus lifts Anthony up and  connects with the lethal dosage!!!!!!! That's Marcus K Yelder can take out his hated Rival right now all he has to do is toss him over the top rope! Marcus drags Anthony to the center of the ring
(Jason Summers) just eliminate him Marcus don't do this
(Tony Reynolds) Marcus K. Yelder leaps on the top turnbuckle and poses for the crowd, looks like he is looking for a five Star here folks......Kryptonite-X comes out of nowhere and knocks Mky down and Marcus crotches the top turnbuckle!! Oh that is going to hurt in the morning! Anthony Montez makes it back to his feet and K-X is urging him to take out Mky. Anthony simply smiles at his rival, Anthony springboards off the ropes and hits Marcus with a dropkick and Marcus falls to the floor below and this match is now down to six since Marcus K Yelder is eliminated!!
(Jason Summers) why did he do it Tony he had Anthony he should have just eliminated him
(Tony Reynolds) Someone once said hate makes a fool of any man, tonight hate made a fool of Marcus K. Yelder. Xavier Lawless and Anthony Montez are now  going at in the corner, leaving K-X and Shane Montez to face off with Synyster and Masked Genius. Genius and Shane pair off and Kryptonite-X and Synyster continue their struggle all six men are fighting for a title shot.  Lawless and Anthony are brawling like a couple of mad men. Lawless hits Anthony with a chop to the chest,but Montez fires back with a shot of his own. Lawless goes for the left boot but misses and Anthony makes him pay for it with a vicious forearm shot to the head. Anthony positions Lawless for the Cyclone suplex and he hits It!!! What a sickening thud folks. Anthony Montez lifts Xavier Lawless up and tosses him over the top rope!!! Lawless has been eliminated. Kryptonite-X is dominating Synyster as fatigue has taken much of the energy of Syn. K-X is  feeding Synyster rights and lefts. K-X causes Syn to double over in pain after a couple of well placed shots to Syn's kidney's. Kryptonite-X hooks Syn up and connects with a big vertical suplex! Shane Montez and Masked Genius are choosing their moves careful as these two have engaged in a game of mental chess all night. Montez and Genius lock up, Montez gets the advantage, he kicks genius in the back of knee forcing him to drop to one knee, Montez goes for the shining wizard but Genius ducks it and applies an ankle lock!!! The Shooter is in a world of trouble!!! Anthony Montez makes the save taking out the Genius with The Gateway to the future!!!! Synyster is in trouble, Kryptonite-X has him positioned for the X-Downfall!!! K-X goes for it, but Synyster manages to block and hits K-x with a back body drop!!! Synyster lifts K-X off the mat, Syn positions for the chokeslam, he goes for it but K-X floats out of it!!!!, K-x kicks Syn in the kidney stunning him. K-X walks Syn over to the turnbuckle and pops up on the turnbuckle, K-x comes off the top rope and attempts the tornado ddt but Syn keeps his balance and holds K-X up and tosses him over the top rope K-X is Eliminated!!!! 4 men left!!!! Shane Montez and Anthony Montez are overpowering Genius when Synyster comes out of nowhere and dumps Anthony over the top rope!!!! it's down to three men, Genius, Shane Montez and Synyster!!! Which of these three will be getting a free ticket to Ring of Honor? Shane and Synyster look at each other and smile the former friends decide to double team Genius. Synyster & Shane Montez whip Genius into the ropes, Genius comes back off the ropes and is greeted by a double clothesline from Shane and Syn. Shane signals for Syn to go up to the top rope, Syn beings to climb the top rope,Shane runs over and grabs Syn's legs and tosses him over!! Synyster has been eliminated by his best friend!!
(Duncan Mccloud) What was what you expect from a Montez, bastards who slit their own mothers throat!!
(Tony Reynolds) and Synyster after more than a hour an a half in this thing is now forced to hit the showers and it's down to Genius and Shane Montez.  Shane Montez just looks at Synyster and laughs. Masked Genius has finally made it back to his feet. Genius and Shane Montez circle the ring, they've both been incredible here tonight. Shane throws the first punch, and Genius returns the favor, both men are striking at each other with all their might.  Genius gets rocked by a pitcher perfect shot by "The Shooter"!  Genius is rocked!!! Montez grabs Genius and whips him into the corner. Montez charges the corner and nails Genius with the clothesline!!! Genius stumbles out of the corner, Montez grabs Genius and hooks him up,looks like he's going for Sensational Spike!!!! Shane gets him up but Genius counters him, Montez turns around and gets a Stunner for his trouble, Montez falls against the ropes and Genius clotheslines him over the top to the floor!!!!! This one is over!!! The Masked Genius is going to Ring of Honor!!!! He wins the 2006 World War 3 Battle!!!!!!!
Winner@ 1 hour and 2 Minutes-The Masked Genius

(Duncan McCloud) I told You he'd win it!!!
(Tony Reynolds) Indeed you did, Congratulations goes out to Masked Genius as he will be going to Ring of Honor with a guaranteed shot at the world title.
(Jason Summers) What a great night of action Tony.
(Tony Reynolds) Oh I agree. Well folks that's it for us tonight, For the professor and Duncan McCloud I'm Tony Reynolds, saying goodnight, good fight.
An Xwa Production 2006