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Fergus Michael

  • Nick Names: Fergie, Little Fergie Babe
  • Date of Birth: February 17 2001
  • Favourite Things: Naps, seeds, cuddles, digging, running time

Fergus is our lazy, happy little boy! Most hours of the day, you'd be more than likely to find him napping somewhere in the yard - the only difference being location, which changes with the seasons. In Winter his favourite hangouts are usually in the sunniest areas. He stretches out, paws and all, to catch every last ray of sun on his body. He looks very luxiours and relaxed when he does it, and I don't half envy him! Or else, if it's a cloudy day, Fergus finds a sheltered little corner and has a cuddle with his brother, Zander. It's very sweet to see them grooming each other. In Summer, however, the coolest part of the garden are in demand. Fergus in particular loves to hide in under the ferns, where it's like a minature jungle. If it's extremely hot, then he will even stretch out on his belly in the dirt, to keep himself cool on the ground.

With Fergus, it's all about the food. His favourite meal is seeds - he hangs out all day for his evening bowel of assorted fruits and seeds - but he'll happily accept any odd vegetables that pass his way. Lettuce is a favourite, as is corn. He could munch on a good cob of corn for hours. Fergus is also a bit of a homebody. He knows the smell of his hutch, and seems to have an inbuilt clock to tell him when it's bedtime, as he'll come hopping into his hutch almost by himself, and get started on his seeds. His second favourite activity after eating is digging! Not in the dirt though, heavens no, his paws might get dirty! What Fergus really loves to dig in is his hay, in his hutch. He rearranges it in quite an organized fashion every night. Of course, we put fresh hay in every night, into the sleeping quarters where it's supposed to be - and by morning, Fergus has done his work and undone all our work, by digging all of the hay outside into the eating area! Fergus is also the most relaxed of the rabbits - he actually enjoys a good cuddle with his mommy, unlike Zander. Fergie will rest on your shoulder, or cuddle down in your lap to watch TV; whatever you want to do is fine by him!

Fergus having a hug