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Space Mission


Welcome to Mission Space! You are about to embark on a space mission like none other. With the help of your mission team you will be choosing, traveling to, and investigating one of the planets from our solar system. Once your team has completed their mission you will be returning to space command to present your findings.

Our solar system is filled with magnificent planets and stars. Everyday scientists are discovering new and wonderful things. It is our job to learn about the world around our planet Earth. Have you ever wondered what is beyond our Earth? What is happening on the other planets in our solar system? Could we ever live on another planet? IS it even possible to travel to all of the other planets? These are some of the things that need to be investigated. Are you up for the challenge????

Standard 3.4.4D The learner will be able to recognize the general characteristics of planets in our solar system.

You are going to assemble your mission team. Once you are ready you will be choosing a planet to travel to and investigate. You will need a commander to keep everything on track and running smoothly. A recorder is need to log in all new information and findings. You will also need to investigators to help find new discoveries and complete research during the mission.

Your team is in search of many things.
How long will it take to travel to the planet?
What are the temperature and weather conditions like there?
What type of surface will you find once you arrive?
How often have other mission teams traveled to this planet?
Where in the solar system is this planet located?
How long can you stay on this planet?
Can things grow and survive here?
How is this planet similar and different from the planet Earth?
What does the planet look like?
Is this planet dangerous to travel to?
What is your position on other mission teams trying to travel there?

Once your mission team returns to Earth they will be presenting their findings to the rest of the space travelers through power points, points, etc. Visuals are a must when it comes to space travel.


1. Choose your mission team members (Remember, there must be four people on a team. Make sure you can work well together because you will be traveling with one another for a long period of time.)
2. Choose the planet which you plan to investigate.
3. You must first assign roles to everyone in your team.
*2 Investigators
4. You must determine how long it will take you to travel to your planet.
5. Your team must now investigate the planet. You should be focusing on questions from the task section. You are always welcome to add more findings and discoveries as they come along.
6. Once your team has arrived back on Earth you will be coming to space command station and presenting your findings to the other space travel teams.
7. Remember visuals are key! You should present your findings in a fun and creative way using power point, brochures, posters, costumes, role play, and lots of facts!

**Some helpful resources for you and your team**


As you are traveling you might want to have your investigators check out some helpful resources. These resources will help you with some of your findings and discoveries as you travel to and from your planet.


Mission teams will be evaluated and graded together. It is very important in space travel to work hard and closely with your mission team, therefore, every team member will be receiving the same grade. Grades will be calculated according to the following rubric.

Stated which planet was chosen Gave a detailed description of the planet Described the weather/temperature of the planet Calculated the travel time from Earth to the planet Found answers to all of the posed questions Made at least 3 additional discoveries Used multiple visuals to present their findings Presented their finidings in a well organized, correct, and creative manner
Stated which planet was chosen Gave a detailed description of the planet Described the weather/temperature of the planet Calculated the travel time from Earth to the planet Found answers to all of the posed questions Made 2 additional discoveries Used some visuals to present their findings Presented their finidings in a well organized, correct, and creative manner Basic
Stated which planet was chosen Gave a detailed description of the planet Described the temperature of the planet Calculated the travel time from Earth to the planet Found answers to one or two of the posed questions Made 1 additional discovery Used 1 visual to present their findings Presented their finidings in a correct manner
Below Basic
Stated which planet was chosen Gave a brief description of the planet Found answers to 1 of the posed questions Made at least 3 additional discoveries Used no visuals to present their findings Presented their finidings in an unorganized and incorrect manner

As always:

Advanced: 100%
Proficient: 85%
Basic: 70%
Below Basic: 65%


Welcome back to Earth! I hope that you have found your mission to space to be fun and enlightening. Now that you have traveled to another planet and learned how it is similar and different from Earth how do you feel about living here? Would you travel to any other planet? Whould you suggest space travel to friends? How can the information your team discovered be helpful to you and others? Does it change the way you previously thought about this planet? I am glad you were able to have the chance to travel to another planet and investigate it. It is important to know about our solar system and how knowledge of one planet can help another planet grow and change. Please remember that science is important!

