Megan: whoa!!!! hold on to your hats, kids! chelsea's hungry!!!
Painthorse54: i'm a cashew!
MirthTones36: what?!?!?
Painthorse54: catholic-jew.....cashew
Painthorse54: what do you think? should i make a shirt that says copland is my boyfriend or Tchaikovsky?
MirthTones36: melanie would be jealous if it said copland
Painthorse54: Copland for me is more like a summer romance anyway
Painthorse54: which one would you pick, if you had to? i know that's mean to ask a music major
MirthTones36: definitely depends on the day
MirthTones36: although sometimes i think i'm secretly slavic...brooding music, dark literature, slavic accents, vodka...these are a few of my favorite things
MirthTones36: quoth melanie: "I want Colonel Mustard in the hall"
Brkln55: lol me TOO
Mego: Who's on what?
Mego: Hey, we could ask those two guys up there. Except that it's a guy and a dog. Except that's not a guy.
Whitney: You do realize that by being in the same suite we will cause the apocaylpse?
Nicole: Maybe these are those little balls I always wanted!
Erin: This ball is meatless!
Erica: They don't sell phone cards in South AmAfrica!
Andrew: I'm a rand-zillionaire!
Patrick: And to your left you'll see a gas station...
Patrick: See those thingy thingy thing thing bedings over there? Those are windmills--we build those up to kill birds.
Patrick: Today I'm taking you to an abbey...where they produce very good beer. (Proceeds to try and make an analogy between chant and rap)
Katie (at our HUGE home stay in Shieren): Maybe it's usually a brothel!
Wyatt: Goddamn it, gimpy pigeon, are you blind?!
Patrick: She's like, boy scouts, be prepared!
Me: There's something in my dress...
Erin: Those are called your boobs!
Patrick (reading): "Americans are well loved in Luxembourg." That's not true anymore, because you have a stupid president.
Rob (at St. Peter's): So now JPII becomes president of the Dead Pope Society.
Me after finding a 10 cent coin with some lady on the back: Who is that, do you know?
Elizabeth, after studying the coin closely: It's YOU! Whoa!
Elizabeth, in her sleep: Look at that! Is this it? I thought this was it but it isn't. Where do we get our luggage?
Patrick: ...that's the only place it could be because the rest of the bus is filled up with seats and Americans.
Dr. Black: Have you found your passports?
Guys: We found Jesus!
Patrick: Does anyone know my name?
Guys in back of the bus: Jesus?
Patrick: You are very close.
Me (first night in Rome): I feel really good right now.
Christy: Me too. I need lipstick.
Me: So we can go make out by Trevi? But I'm not wearing any lipstick!
Christy: Oh, you will be soon!
Wyatt: Not that this would ever happen, but if Jane Andrews and Chris Tripolino had a baby, would it not be Orlando Bloom?
Elizabeth: Seriously guys, my soap doesn't fit in my
Dad (at airport): Where's your passport?
Me: You have it.
Dad: That's your expired one.
Me: My old one is sitting on my desk at school.
Dad: The Pope's sitting on your desk at school!
Me: An exclamation point? Dr. Black just doesn't seem that exuberant...
Christy: Yeah, italics maybe.
Tork: Get the H out of the way!
WindMyth19: The new Pope is scary, but at least he'll die soon
Marcia (during listening test for history of Western music: This one's from Japan...
Dr. Survilla: I guess the long answer to that is 'no.'
Brkln55: you won't have to die
Brkln55: you will fly through it
Brkln55: much like Yoshi through the Konditorei
Leo: I am the princess! I should have the best and the newest of everything!
Keith: I swear there's like a metropolis in your bra!
Christy: I'm gonna be Miss Iowa, dammit!
Dr. J: We're coming back now, Kira! We're coming back! Center guys!
Katey: You're like a maracca--you've got everything inside, you just need to shake it a little more!
Spoon: Take this figured bass and stuff it!
Me: before I forget--the chiropractor wants to know if you and/or mom can come see him at 1:00 on Sunday
Dad: I don't need a chiro, what does he want to do to me? Convert me in the power room??
Brkln55: your paper is going to kick all the other papers' asses
Brkln55: yes I die ALL THE TIME
Amy: I suck and I hate...gah, I mean YOU suck and I hate when you do that!
Me: I think my butt is shrinking...
Megan: Dammit!
Amy: Well that's ffffffff...messed up!
Mihori has just found out that she will be living in my room next year: You should clean it really well for the rest of the year! Every day! You should pick every tiny dust!
Dr. Survilla (regarding the council of Trent): ...the church needed to be purged of barbarisms, obscurities, contrarities, and superfluities.
Jon: Wouldn't that have gotten rid of the entire Roman church?
Megan: I want to see you do a pole dance with the podium.
Dana: That would be pretty awkward.
Megan: You could use a music stand.
Dana: Yeah, I guess that is kind of polish.
Megan: I am drunk. I mean...I love diet pepsi!
Dana: During 20th century music I get these random urges to just climb on top of the piano...
Beka: Interesting in that 'oh shit' sort of way.
Dana: Do you know how many times i've wished i could pause time and write "fuuuuuuuuuuck" across the screen of my life?
Brkln55: Wooo hoooo!!!! Go Belarus!!!!!
Brkln55: Kick some Lukashenko ASS
Dana: Another example of using the word 'bitch' as a term of
WindMyth19: ::sigh:: Scheduling conflicts...always preventing my dramatic death...
Megan: Make it say that, but without epistemological.
Dana (on Kansas): It's like God dropped a chunk of land and said "I'll come back to you later"...then just didn't.
Megan: I tend to delete things and not really mean it.
dear snow
i hate you. if i wake up tomorrow and there really is 8-10 inches of you, i will die. after i kill you. bitch.
Dana: I DO have balls! Two of them! Big ones!
WindMyth19: Yes, so Megan....I approve. You can keep her.
WindMyth19: She's probably full of useful vitamins and minerals
WindMyth19: I hereby declare an extra two hours in this day, which you shall use for the purposes of sleeping
WindMyth19: To see if sleep really IS a marketable invention
WindMyth19: Hey kid, wanna nap? ::sketchy man in coat voice::
I came back to my room after studying to find this conversation on my screen:
spottedcatfish: beka expresses an intense desire that you not be broken, i want to know what all those words mean
spottedcatfish: beka then proceeds to whimper, and i proceed to consult the OED
spottedcatfish: no she does not, she drinks orange juice
spottedcatfish: becky does, that is
spottedcatfish: but what else can you expect?
spottedcatfish: *from an Australian
spottedcatfish: I am not an Australian
spottedcatfish: I have never been an Australian!
Christy: She should have an imaginary boyfriend from Canada, or Belarus!
spottedcatfish: i have an idea, i still have very little clue what's going on here...let's play the "chelsea tells becky the whole story with little words because she's on cold drugs game"
spottedcatfish: ah, that is indeed the suck.
Amy: At least Anton farted on me today! That's probably the best thing that will happen to me today!
Anton: This was way back when America had its first president!
Amy: And who was that?
Anton: His name was...George...George Bush!
Dr. Survilla, in music history (14 Feb 05): The Baroque period ended with the death of Bach, and everyone went 'Hallelujah! It's the Classical period!'
I don't believe in cumulative exams, unless you're getting a doctorate, and then they have drugs for that.
Italy still has like 3000 political parties.
What's another word for donkey? It starts with A...
This will help you when you play Jeopardy later in life and make millions of dollars.
MirthTones36: like Dr J will know anyways...can't even spell my name
Brkln55: she's the loser of the music department
Brkln55: although, prof mullet comes in a close second
Brkln55: you're being Chaucer. it's ok
Brkln55: are you intozxicated?!
mihori3wks: no, not at all
Brkln55: liar
mihori3wks: I'm fine!!!
Brkln55: Chaz said you can't drive your mario cart
mihori3wks says: yosshi couldn't
Marcia (in the middle of class: Were your parents really smart?
Survilla: Yes, way smarter than me. My dad speaks eleven languages...I'm also Canadian, eh? But it doesn't make for smartness.
Survilla: I just had this great image of a monk doing a slam dunk...
Survilla: My tests are not designed to make people suffer.
Marcia: That's not true!
Dana: Not like dirty naked, like fuzzy naked!
Mihori: My brain is crying!
MirthTones36: haha is this another of those times where you wish you believed in God?
spottedcatfish: its one of those times where i wish there was a god, a mild difference, but an important one i think, i should quality, a god who can fix things
WindMyth19: Becky's reading the Bible this semester...
spottedcatfish: becky just wants her piece of the damn covenant pie in the form of a miracle, that's all
WindMyth19: I refuse to believe that you are either a)damned, or b)a figment of Dante's imagination.
Brkln55: Can Dr. Survilla be my messiah?
WindMyth19: Well, we might have to work out a substitute messiah for the part where she gets gruesomely murdered by her followers
WindMyth19: Or by the Jews, take your pick
spottedcatfish: i finally got all of the ink off my hand... it took an industrial strength scrub pad, but 4 days of notes to self are finally gone
Kali: Amy, you look like a little black girl right now and it's really cute...
Amy: Yay, I'm black!
Kali: I like that you're damned, I think that's funny.
(later): If I really believed in some serious damnation, then it wouldn't be so funny.
Melanie: Where's Micrologus? I don't wanna talk about your crologus, I wanna talk about MIcrologus!
MirthTones36: you're entertaining in person--on the phone you're...hmm...intellectually satisfying
WindMyth19: Good...I'll go sprinkle some sesame seeds on myself and then I'll be nutritious too
Frau Brost: Wo ist Chicago?
Random girl in German class: Chicago ist in die Mensa.
Christy: Nobody ever says anything anymore!
Christy: You snuck in like a ninja!
Marcia: Jazz at Joe's tonight, and you can bring your kids!
Brkln55: but if I ever figure out what I mean, I'll let you know
Brkln55: babies kill me
Christy: Have some more tea. It is good for...thee!
Doc: Four-de-dor-de-dor
Brkln55: i just used the word notion in my paper
Brkln55: i didn't mean to, it just slipped out
MirthTones36: so this one time, I lost ALL of my looseleaf
Brkln55: is THIS that one time?
MirthTones36: Holy crap, how did you know?
Dr. Survilla: Chant is not a part of our natural boogying experience.
Megan: That's, like, the opposite of good!
Only my psycho family can be this entertained by planning a funeral...
Church lady: So you will have the cremains at the church?
Uncle Robb: Yeah, it turns out dad was flammable!
Uncle Lonn (looking at a vase at the funeral home): I wonder who's in there?
Me: Yeah, grandpa's probably rolling over in his...
My sister and cousins: Urn!
Zac (making up a song): Torah Torah To-RAH!
Becky: wait, major change? Please don't tell me you've given up music... that would make many people cry, including the baby jesus and kittens
OG (at Culver's in Platteville): My water broke!
Dr. Survilla: I'm going to have fun playing with your brains.
Salsa: Aah, my eye!
Dr. Survilla: If I had wanted to get you in the eye, I would have gotten you! ...On that note, happy holidays!
Tim: Give me one I want a delicious goooody!
Megan (to Melanie): Silly butt-wetter!
Melanie: Dud! ...I tried to say 'duh' and 'dude' at the same time and it didn't work!
Kyle H (in a presentation): ...usually looked down upon, this use of illegal drugs...
Dr. Survilla: Except in Canada!
Mom: That's an interesting looking tea bag.
Dad: Yeah, if you were trying to get over your dependence you could tape it to your arm!
Dad: You mean like OG Wan Kenobi?
Marcia (to Melanie): You're in trouble!
Dr. Black: No she's not.
Marcia: Dang it!
Lourey: It's cute, it doesn't even have fangs or anything!
Megan: I didn't bite you in the Belarus, I bit you on the other side!
Megan: Chelsea is the hottest girl alive, just an FYI, and I like biting her.
Lourey: He has really cute hair.
Brittany: Who, Dave?
Lourey: No, Jesus!
Elizabeth: Are you Russian?
Me: I'm secretly a communist.
Elizabeth: Oh, Dr. Survilla said she's gonna kill you because you told Lourey she had a tattoo...
Me: He needs to not sing this song.
Brian: Nazis? Where?!?
Weston Noble: I could use less first soprano. You have to be smart to sing second soprano, and even smarter to be an alto!
*in methods class, talking about how it's getting hard to find enough quality grenadilla wood for the number of instruments being made*
Ashley: So could oboes become extinct?
Dr. Morton: I don't think we'll ever be that lucky.
Kali: I'm doing interpretive dance with my eyebrows.
Katey: Dr. Kim gave Wyatt a huge hug for getting Harold Hill.
J-ho: What did she say about Hiro?
Me: Harold Hill.
J-ho: Why is Dr. Kim playing Harold Hill?
James: I have jiggly bosoms.
*the subject changes to weight for a while*
James (to me): Can I trade you?
Steve (v. confused): Oh, I thought you meant her boobs!
Dr. Survilla: Oh my God, I'm old!
Lourey (Writing a return address): Lourey Middlecamb *looks really confused* That's not my name!
Melanie: Is that high *Meg and I laugh* ...I am having so much problems talking today!
Lourey: ...which is way cooler than what you could do before, which is nothing.
Luther people at KFC: Whoa, chicken!
Dr. Black: let's try some examples.
Marcia: NO!
Dr. Black: I feel like I'm at home! Brush your hair. NO!
Amy (from the next room): Are you speaking in tongues?
Melanie: So I type in Northern Ireland as a search, and I get 'trospium chloride in the management of overactive bladder.'
Marcia: My fart in my bed is my business!
Melanie: You totally should have been looking outside because I totally just fell over!
Marcia: Oh, that's the Suix one!
Whitney: I'm not overwhelmed, just whelmed.
Me: Thanks again for last night...I mean that.
Lourey: Awww, you too. That sounds vaguely sexual... I MEAN THE TEA!!! And talk. That was good.
J-ho: I'm going to go to, where are you from? I'm going to go to Japan and make kame shikko a name or something!
Chelsea: I speaking English? What?
Christy: There's my lippystick!
*We're waiting for Lourey*
Christy: What, is she part sloth?
*Christy needs to squirt stuff up her nose to keep her healthy*
Sarah: Christy's got the squirts!
Me: It's a nasal douche!
*Christy and I are having a venting session*
Christy (in mid-sentence): ...we should burn something!
Marcia (to Melanie): Remember that conversation we had in bed last night?
Sarah: Is there a shot you can give to guys to make them worthwhile?
Me: Yeah, it's called estrogen!
Becky: ...he does think anything brass is about the best thing since sliced bread (you my dear would be his most favoritest thing in the entire world, he'd probably worship you and give you a title and cookies
or something)...
Becky: You see, she's making me send her her menorah, because apparently the fact that she was 1) Jewish and 2) Going to be in China for Hanukah, didn't occur to her until she was in Hong Kong...
Tork: ...they might be going 'what are you talking about? Can't we just sing?' Well yeah, if you wanna suck at it!
Marcia: How did you meet Dr. Wachmann?
Dr. Survilla: Oh, God, you don't wanna know!
Dr. Survilla: ...they started this rumor that I was a princess, then Paul Torkelson started calling me 'your highness' in the hallways...
Marcia: Last year. Last month. Last week. Yesterday. Today! *looks really confused* What?!?
Amy: There's a tretty pree!
*Setting: Developmental psychology. Dr. Munir is asking why children play.*
Jon: Humans have an intrinsic need for board games.
Lourey: It was the CD with that one guy...
Me: Which one?
Lourey: You know, that one guy. *pretends to smoke a doobie* Dead.
Me: Oh, Bob Marley!
Melanie: Shit, we *did* use the wrong hand!
Megan: Hey Al, how's your shlushie?
Alek (spilling slush on himself): So good I want it all over my body!
Eddie: When in doubt, pinky out!
Theory III class: What would Bach do?
Marcia: ...but he's not real, he's dead!
Kali: You must have boobs of steel!
Dr. Survilla: ...Star Wars is a cowboy flick set in Spain. *looks confused* Pero te quieres Han Solo!
Lourey: Do not go gentle into that good night...
...or drink the water...
...or try Tai Chi in a flooded river!
Lourey: I have the memory of a drunk chipmunk.
*Sarah and I just got back to our room--the door is locked but the handle is sticking straight up. Sarah starts laughing.*
Sarah: Look, it's saying hello!
Me: The door handle is happy to see you!
Me: Did you see what I just said? Did you SEE what I just SAID? I just said I was going to have some strawberries but those are definitely bananas. Then I said 'did you see what I just said?' and told you about every embarrassing thing that has happened to me in the last minute and a half.
Dr. Survilla: ...I have a dealer in New York.
Lauren (whispering): Do you know if there's a recital today? Because I was wondering if I could practice in the bathroom. ...Band room.
Me: Whoa, that volcano made my butt vibrate!
Tork: Why'd you go schizo on me?
Dad: Tell the pope I said "hola!"