Music is truly the "Rhythm of Life" and whether your tastes lean toward Pop, Rock and Roll, Broadway, Jazz, Classical or Country and Western the benefits of musical training will extend to many aspects of life. First and foremost our goal is to share our love of music with our students. From the beginner to the advanced performer, our students are under the instruction of qualified and caring teachers. Let us bring out the star in you!
Established in 1983 to instruct children and adults in the art of dance, Algonquin Academy expanded its program to music classes in 2000. Our desire is to be The place for fine arts our community. Offering the convenience of music lessons at our facility to our dance students and their families was a natural progression for us. (You do not need to be enrolled in our dance program to register as a music student).
We currently offer piano and vocal lessons to students ages 5 to adult, violin, flute, guitar, bass and mandolin lessons to students ages 7 to adult (younger with instructor's permission.) We offer private or semi-private lessons (thirty to forty five minutes long) to ensure that the student has the undivided attention of the teacher and can progress at the rate most appropriate for them. Showcases are held regularly and our students have the opportunity to perform at community events.
We have three large and comfortable music rooms and offer day and evening lessons Monday through Friday and all day Saturday. We continue to expand our staff of talented and enthusiastic music instructors to meet our students' needs. Please contact us for additional information. |
July 7th marked the beginning of the Summer Music Semester ~ six lessons through August 16th. Lesson times are available Monday through Friday.
Please call us for current lesson time availability.
(847) 854-6121