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This page is dedicated to my Grandaddy, the greatest man that ever lived. If anyone that knows him views this page, I'm sure they won't disagree with me.If there was ever someone in need of help, he would always give it if he could.He was the one that took care of the little church, the one who cut your grass if you weren't able to, the one who took care of your puppy when you went on vacation, the one who would help you count how many apples where gonna be on yall's tree this year, the one that would sit up with you when you missed your parents, and the one that no matter how much pain he was in...never let it show. He was the one that taught you that a lil sprite and soda crackers could chase any ache away and that a little sugar on your biscuit in the morning would brighin up the dullest of days. And I know that no matter what happens to me the rest of my life, I'll always be Grandaddy's Babydallin.

It's been a year since my grandaddy died, not everyone knows the story...I was sitting in the band, playing for my brother's graduation. As any little sister would do, I got the sniffles as my brother walked up to get his diploma. As I looked closer, I could tell my brother was crying as well. Little did I know earlier that day, he saw something no one should have to see on their graduation. My grandaddy died that day and on the field my world seemed to crash as I was told. Graduation this year brought many tears of both happiness and grief. My grandaddy was the best,that's the only way to put it. My daddy put it best...every time we talk about him, we have a smile on our face, and you can't say that about just anybody.