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My Closest Peeps

Hey everyone, this is a lil about me. I'm bout to be a sophomore up at the University of Kansas. I'm a business major for now (we'll see how long that lasts!). Right now I'm back home in Texas, which is where I am during the summer and basically every break. Ummm.... I'm 5'5'', 120lbs., caramel colored skin, brown hair and eyes, you can pretty much see it all in the pics below. So anyways, anything else you want to know just hit me up and ask me!

My Best friend

Okay, this right here is my best friend. Her name is Karen, and if you want you can find her at hotgirl0210 on blackplanet. Me and Karen have been cool since junior year, and she's just about the only person up here that really has my back.

My Other Best Friend

We met up in Kansas, and he's a really cool guy. Having a friend like him makes going to school in the middle of nowhere worthwhile!

My Baby

I couldn't help it, I just had to put my puppy on here. Okay, so he's really 5 years old but he'll always be a puppy to me!