Some of our songs
And here are some of our songs. We don't beleive in multitracking, so we recorded them all by sticking two mics in strategic places in a room and then just... doing our stuff: we only added the small computer edits when we'd finished, (such as the intro to 'The Passing' which is just another part of the song played backwards!) so all that you hear is genuinely us- mistakes and all. I will gradually get round to adding more songs, so keep coming back. Just click the links or right click and use 'save target as' to download our songs in mp3 format- Each song is about 1.5MB, and should take between 3-5 minutes to download on a standard 56kbps modem. When Downloaded, some of them aren't MP3 and may come up with the 'open with' box- just use your standard media player (Winamp, Real1player, Windows Media Player, etc...)Enjoy!
'Superstition', a fantastic funk song by Stevie Wonder with a blistering guitar solo from Rob (has been edited because it was 7 minutes long!)
Los Desfiladaros 'The Passing'- this was written shortly after John Peel's death, and pays our jazzy respects to him.
'Bitter Acid', an Acid Jazz peice with a face- meltin' electric piano solo
'Funky Jam is Sweet'- literally, a funky jam comprising the unique guitar style 'Shred- Jazz'
I Hate Your Guts- a seriously funny song by Ozzy's guitarist Zakk Wylde: me and Rob got pissed on scotch whiskey and decided to sing like hillbillies- don't judge us by this, it's not our usual style- it just had to go up!