Innocent Popebear III, CBO (Chief esBastante Officer)Popebear is extremely devoted to the cause of cleansing the world around him of "pensamientos sucios", i.e. anything remotely sexual. His chief opponents are, of course, Micky "Sucio" Jagger (CEO) and Ben "Supersucio" Miller. His major weapons in the War Against Sexuality are his Deputy Weasel, a sheriff badge, the phrase "es bastante", and the Quote of the Week award (a.k.a. QOTW). Major stage and film credits include story-developer and screenwriter for "Alex George: The Motion Picture", score and book for "Neurology: The Musical", and executive producer for the upcoming primetime television series "Roswell: Alien in Ipswich", the heartbreaking story of one boy's struggle with a treacherous 90-minute commute. Mr. Popebear's finest programming accomplishment thus far has been creating a functional Instant Runoff Voting program. This page by BlackRainbow Associates ©2003 contact: |