Bear, CIOI am Bear, CIO for BlackRainbow. For those of you who are not well acquainted with the business lingo (translation: not rich), CIO means Chief Information Officer. In other words, I am the head of the programming and web design operation, the core of our business. But what exactly does this mean to you? Lets see what you call me: If you're a {insert your boldface name here}, you call me:Client: I'm the person you complain to when your software does not keep track of your finances as advertised but instead transfers all your money to an offshore account mysteriously named "BlackRainbow's stolen cash." Expect a lot of "Soothing Silence" (did you read that Zen book?) while on permanent hold. CEO: Love-slave. Programmer: Boss. You do whatever I say, whenever I say it. Maybe "boss" is to weak a word. Maybe "Supreme Lord, Master of your Destiny, Ruler of Your Paycheck, and Complete Controller of Your Mental Well-Being" captures the essence of our relationship a little better. If you do your job well, I pay you well, you become happy. If you do your job poorly, I tie your hands behind your back, paint on a smiley face in bright face paints and sell you off to Ms. Enröich's Home for Bratty Little Children Who Love To Torment Clowns. President: Component. Web Page Viewer: The guy who made this page and the rest of this site. Amazing, eh? So how do I strike you? Not too hard, I hope; we don't gain MarketShare by beating customers to death (competitors however...) If you have any questions or comments regarding this page or any others on this site, I am reachable at: Flames make me cry. If you want to see a real/boring page on me, follow this link This page by BlackRainbow Associates ©2003 contact: |