Justin's CARE Package

In case you missed it, Becca got the guys [and Liv] to help her send Justin a CARE package. Click here to find out what they sent, and read on to find out J's reaction! Some things to note: Justin's voice is manipulated so much in "SexyBack" that Bex is pretty much convinced it's not really Justin, but the android he created to carry on his music career while he makes movies...*nods* Liv hates J's promotional picture with that stupid bandana covering his mug.

Hotel Employee: *A knock on Justin's hotel room door* Mr. Timberlake, there's a package for you...

Justin: *looks through the peephole, then opens the door*

Hotel Employee: *Written across the top of the box in huge letters: "Care Package...Because we CARE!"*

Justin: Thank you. *tips the guy*

Hotel Employee: You're welcome, sir. *Leaves*

Justin: *closes the door and takes the box inside; pokes through the contents of the box; pours more cereal in his bowl and calls Chris*

Chris: *Answers, seeing the caller ID is overseas* HEY!

Justin: Hi, I'd like to return my meal in exchange for something else.

Chris: Was it malfunctioning, sir?

Justin: Someone defaced the box.

Chris: Sue them.

Justin: And it was very poorly wrapped...in a used pink towel, no less!

Chris: Sir, we do our best to accomodate our customers...but sometimes...they're bitches.

Justin: The cereal turned out okay...but the presentation was dismal.

Chris: Well sir, I suggest you take it up with Cap'n Crunch himself...but I warn you, he's a very busy man. Until then, might I suggest the entertainment we packaged along with your meal?

Justin: *looks at JC's autographed CD and the DVD case of his concert*

Chris: I highly reccomend the CD over the DVD case...As you see, we failed to include the DVD because...well...it sucked.

Justin: *reaches over and opens the case to find nothing inside*

Chris: It's also because we couldn't force one of our waitresses to remove it from her portable DVD player, but I digress...It sucked.

Justin: *looks in the box to see if he's missed anything, and spots the twinkies and keychain* Is that a sock?

Chris: No sir. It's a keychain.

Justin: *picks up the twinkies, which were smushed on the journey*

Chris: You have rather large feet, sir... I wouldn't suggest trying to wear the keychain as a sock.

Justin: Uh...right...

Chris: I tried before we sent it...

Justin: Well, thanks for trying it out.

Chris: I stand by the integrity of my business, sir. It was my pleasure.

Justin: Well then...I suppose that about covers everything. *in British accent* I do say, good sir, that this was a rather pleasant business call. Your customer service is quite dandy.

Chris: Thank you kindly, sir. Please reccomend us to your friends and family.

Justin: I will definitely do that! Thank you very much for you time.

Chris: The pleasure was all mine, sir. Have a pleasant evening.

Justin: Thank you. Cheerio!

Chris: Pip pip!

Justin: *laughs and hangs up*

Chris: Justin's stupid...*laughs and puts his phone down*

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