Chris Anagrams

If you're subscribed to PLB, you may recognize these. In Issue Seven, Mel and Bex gave you a sample of some Nsync Anagrams. An "anagram" is a word or phrase made by transposing the letters of another word or phrase. Simply put, you can move around the letters of each sentence to create a brand new sentence, while keeping the same letters. Here's the examples Mel gave:

Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one
The morse code = Here come dots
George Bush = He bugs Gore
Britney Spears = Breasts R Piney

Lucky, BexXx, and I are still on our concert high, and in awe of how HOTT Chris is (*waves dollaz in the air* Take it off!) so we're featuring his anagrams this week. The ones highlighted in purple are our favorites from PLB.

Rearranging the letters of 'Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick' gives:

Thick shark proletarian prick.
I prick trashier, top-rank chalk.
Track OK prick harsh reptilian.
Track ticklish porker piranha.
Kick trashier, top-rank, rich pal.
Ticklish park or crankier path.
Crap! prick kinkier, harsh total.
Prick alike trash top-rank rich.
Piranhas track OK prick Hitler.
Tank prick prick trashier halo.
OK prick prenatal shark rich it.
Prick kinkier, sharp, total arch.
Prick prenatal kick harsh riot.
Shh! prick kick proletarian rat.
Halt! prick OK sharp, crankier it.
Pick OK chalk irritant sharper.
Trickers prick OK halt piranha.
Kick top-rank, rich, tail sharper.
Irritant ripper chalks OK hack.
Prick prenatal it or harsh kick.
Prick this crankier, loath park.
Prick OK chalk irritant phrase.
This rich kick or prenatal park.
Help! kick croak sharp irritant.
Thank OK prick starchier April.
Shark OK prick reptilian chart.
Shark OK hack irritant cripple.
Prick kick sharp, tolerant hair.
Prick OK thirst crankier alpha.
OK! hack irritants chalk ripper.
OK! patriarchal thinker pricks.
Prick crankier, sharp, loath kit.
Track short pirhana-like prick.
OK! rich piranhas kick prattler.
Prick kinkier harlots rat chap.
Ha! irritant kick chalks proper.
Trick alike top-rank, sharp rich.
Crap! pink kick trashier harlot.
Crap! top-rank hairs kick Hitler.
Crap! top-rank Hitler kicks hair.
Ear top-rank, ticklish, rich park.
Top-rank liars prick thick hear.
Top-rank liar hears thick prick.
Kick this porker charlatan rip.
OK kick rather trash principal.
Crap rather OK in ticklish park.
OK! patriarchal thinkers prick.
Ha! irritants kick proper chalk.
Ha! irritant kicks chalk proper.
Trickers think parochial park.
Kick retail top-rank, sharp rich.
Top-rank hater kicks rich April.
Talk top-rank, riskier, rich chap.
Shriek thick crap top-rank liar.
Talk or thicker piranhas prick.
Prick kinkier, sharp, total char.
Kick hack sharp, irritant prole.
Top-rank haters kick rich April.
Ha! top-rank, ticklish, rare prick.
Ha! prick top-rank, ticklish rear.
Lack proper kick irritant hash.
Thick prank OK starchier April.
Thick rat slick porker piranha.
Rat OK prick trashier link chap.
Rich kit or sharp, prenatal kick.
Kick chalk irritate sharp porn.
OK piranhas prick halt tricker.
Top-rank, ticklish, rich park are.
Top-rank, ticklish, rich park era.
Prick thick share top-rank liar.
Hi! prick trashier, top-rank lack.
Trash OK kick prenatal rich rip.
Think sick patriarchal porker.
Thick risk OK charlatan ripper.
Prick kinkier, harlot chap star.
Crap! prick kinkier, loath trash.
Kick proper chalk irritant ash.
Kick proper has irritant chalk.
Kick itch top-rank sharper liar.
Top-rank liar chips rather kick.
Slick prick top-rank hater hair.
A top-rank prick like rich trash.
Shit! prick crankier, loath park.
Kick crankier, sharp, harlot pit.
Kick crankier, sharp, harlot tip.
Track prick pink trashier halo.
Crap! rich shark like top-rank it.
Prank OK rape rat ticklish rich.
Shark prick the rational prick.
Halt! prick an OK, trashier prick.
Kinkier pricks rat harlot chap.
Kick top-rank, rich, spiral hater.
Sick rather prick top-rank hail.
Rack top-rank it like sharp rich.
A top-rank, ticklish park richer.
Prick this top-rank hacker liar.
Hail! streak top-rank, rich prick.
Irritant ripper hacks OK chalk.
Crap! talk OK pink trashier rich.
This thick, crankier, polar park.
Shark OK prick irritant chapel.
Ha Ha! risk prick tolerant prick.
Kick crankier, sharp, loath trip.
Top-rank kick repairs rich halt.
Top-rank kick halts rich rapier.
Top-rank kick halts rich repair.
Liars kick rather top-rank chip.
Top-rank kicks halt rich rapier.
Top-rank kicks halt rich repair.
Chip kicks rather top-rank liar.
The sick, top-rank, rich liar park.
Alas! thick prick top-rank hirer.
OK kick harsher, principal tart.
OK! Crap! Help! kick irritant rash.
OK! kiltartan's hack, rich ripper.
Crap! park or a ticklish thinker.
Shark rather kick to principal.
Prick kick harsh, tolerant pair.
Prick prank halo starchier kit.
He prick OK lack sharp irritant.
Kick perhaps or irritant chalk.
Shh! prick OK rat reptilian rack.
Crap! kinkier, sharp, loath trick.
Kick sharp rip or athletic rank.
Kick lip trashier, top-rank arch.
Top-rank kicks earth rich April.
Top-rank kicks heart rich April.
Slick prick earth top-rank hair.
Slick prick heart top-rank hair.
Rack hear top-rank, ticklish rip.
Top-rank, ticklish, hack, rare rip.
Hack rear top-rank, ticklish rip.
Patriarchal porker kicks thin.
Kick OK chart partnership liar.
Kick rat OK rat harsh principle.
Crap! think trashier, polar kick.
Thick rack OK partnership liar.
Proletarian harks thick prick.
Athletic park or shark in prick.
Trashier prick than polar kick.
Eh! prick OK lack sharp irritant.
Shh! Crap! prick OK irritant lake.
Shh! Crap! prick OK irritant leak.
Halt! OK! starchier park in prick.
Shit! kick prenatal or rich park.
The nihilist park or crack park.
Ha Ha! top-rank, slick tricker rip.
Top-rank rich like a sharp trick.
Kick sharp, athletic, prior rank.
Kick sharp, real, top-rank, rich it.
A top-rank, ticklish, rich parker.
Top-rank liar pricks thick hear.
Prick like trash top-rank chair.
Their top-rank, hack liars prick.
Aha! prick rant ticklish porker.
OK! sharp, critical thinker park.
Sharp rat or thick plainer kick.
Thick kick prenatal rash prior.
Thick rat crankier, polish park.
Shark hot rack reptilian prick.
Rats! prick kinkier, harlot chap.
Piranhas prick rather kick lot.
Prick kick trashier, torn alpha.
Prick prenatal OK rash, rich kit.
Risk proper kick hit charlatan.
Ticklish track or happier rank.
Tick prick prank trashier halo.
Top-rank hackers prick hit liar.
Shit! kick porker charlatan rip.
Kick rich partnership or a talk.
Prick ticklish hater or a prank.
Hop rat ticklish, crankier park.
Rich park or ticklish, neat park.
Think OK critical park sharper.
Knacker thick riot sharp April.
Shark OK rat thicker principal.
Shark kick irritant chap prole.
Prick knacker this harlot pair.
Prick rat loath kick in sharper.
Halt! prick pink trashier croak.
OK rather prick this anal prick.
Crankier prick hits loath park.
Kick total rich sharper in park.
Crap! chalk this kinkier parrot.
Kick crankier, sharp, hit patrol.
Hail! Ha! top-rank trickers prick.
Tracks prick OK piranha Hitler.
Crap! tick kinkier, sharp harlot.
Top-rank trick like sharp chair.
Crap! liar pranks hitherto kick.
The rich liars kick top-rank par.
The rich liar kicks top-rank par.
Slick rather pick top-rank hair.
Talk top-rank, harsh, icier prick.
Chair top-rank, ticklish parker.
Prick hack his top-rank trailer.
Porker hints patriarchal kick.
Porker kicks patriarchal hint.
Talk OK pit crankier, sharp rich.
Talk OK tip crankier, sharp rich.

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