Joey Anagrams

If you're subscribed to PLB, you may recognize these. In Issue Seven, Mel and Bex gave you a sample of some Nsync Anagrams. An "anagram" is a word or phrase made by transposing the letters of another word or phrase. Simply put, you can move around the letters of each sentence to create a brand new sentence, while keeping the same letters. Here's the examples Mel gave:

Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one
The morse code = Here come dots
George Bush = He bugs Gore
Britney Spears = Breasts R Piney

Because Joe was so kind as to wink at Liv (*smiles back*) we're featuring his anagrams this week. The ones highlighted in yellow are our favorites from PLB.

Rearranging the letters of 'Joseph Anthony Fatone' gives:

Enjoy not phase than of.
The path enjoys on an of.
Enjoy posh than neat of.
An of on the paths enjoy.
Ha Ha! enjoy not spent of.
Ha Ha! potent 'n' of enjoys.
Hate Johnny's neat poof.
Of enjoys heap than not.
Oh No! the fat pan enjoys.
Enjoy hasten than poof.
He's the joy on pan on fat.
Of than not enjoy shape.
Ha Ha! enjoy font on pest.
Enjoy potent hash. An of.
Enjoy of than neat shop.
Oh No! enjoy the fat span.
That phone enjoys an of.
Hyphen to an of to jeans.
Fat enjoys than on hope.
Shh! ape not enjoy on fat.
Enjoy than on fat hopes.
The pantheon joys an of.
Heap to Johnny's neat of.
Enjoy not heap of hasn't.
Enjoy not hate posh fan.
Enjoy not phase hot fan.
Heat Johnny's neat poof.
Jet to an of as on hyphen.
Hyphen on a jet on fatso.
Enjoy hasten of on path.
Enjoy not open fat hash.
He's the joy, not pan an of.
Jest to a hyphen on an of.
Enjoy honest path. An of.
An of on pant, he's the joy.
Not hyphen of to a jeans.
A jet on of as not hyphen.
Shh! annoy neat jet poof.
Hey! Jonathan of on pest.
Not enjoy path, he's an of.
Enjoy phone than fatso.
Enjoy on that hope fans.
Enjoy then than as poof.
Enjoy not shaft on heap.
An of enjoys the hot pan.
No! the path enjoys an of.
Not phase joy on the fan.
Ha Ha! potent joy on fens.
Hosanna! open joy theft.
Ape not hate Johnny's of.
Enjoy fat hope on hasn't.
Enjoy on fat on the hasp.
Posh enjoy hot neat fan.
Enjoy soft than on heap.
Fan enjoys on that hope.
The poof enjoys than an.
The of joys than an open.
Joys phone than neat of.
Neat joy on the posh fan.
Ho Ho! petty jeans on fan.
Fatty Johannes on hope.
Ha Ha! pest 'n' not enjoy of.
Of as then enjoy on path.
Enjoy on that fan hopes.
Ho Ho! patent fans enjoy.
Enjoy hot fans not heap.
Poof enjoys than a then.
No! he's the pan joy on fat.
He's the fat, pan joy noon.
Ha! petty Johannes on of.
Jonathan's of neophyte.
The pan of than so enjoy.
Enjoy posh than on feat.
Shh! enjoy neat poof ant.
Ha! the pan of enjoys not.
Of enjoys than neat hop.
Ho Ho! patent fan enjoys.
Fan enjoys hot heap not.
The joy than an of opens.
Often joy than on phase.
Then joy than sane poof.
Hyphen onto jet as an of.
Shh! tape not enjoy an of.
Enjoy not sheath pan of.
Enjoy on of 'n' that phase.
Ha Ha! enjoy on font pets.
Of enjoys not pan heath.
He an of enjoys not. Path.
He's the pan ant on joy of.
The Johnny's ape to an of.
Hot ape Johnny's neat of.
Afoot hyphen not. Jeans.
Shh! enjoy to an open fat.
Anon enjoy the posh fat.
Oh No! enjoy past the fan.
Oh No! the apt fans enjoy.
Eh! an of path enjoys not.
The fan on joys heap not.
Tenth phase joy on an of.
He's the font on a pan joy.
Teeny, posh Jonathan of.
Enjoy patent of on hash.
Enjoy hast on the pan of.
Eh! an of paths enjoy not.
Oh! enjoy on the fat span.
Snap! Oh No! enjoy the fat.
Enjoy so phone than fat.
Ha Ha! fonts enjoy on pet.
The of enjoys anon. Path.
Fat phase on then on joy.
Annoy jet hopes than of.
So hyphen on jet on a fat.
Oh No! type fat Johannes.
Enjoy hot hasten pan of.
The of paths enjoy anon.
An of paths enjoy the no.
That phones enjoy an of.
Of than heap enjoy snot.
Eh! on paths enjoy on fat.
Enjoy not heat posh fan.
Ha Ha! enjoy step on font.
Hat of enjoys pantheon.
Then joys not heap an of.
He's the pat on joy on fan.
He's the tap on joy on fan.
He's the joy to pan on fan.
To a jets hyphen on an of.
On a jet hyphens to an of.
Not pay the Johannes of.
Natty Johannes of hope.
Hey! Jonathan's net poof.
Soft! Hey! open Jonathan.
Open so hefty Jonathan.
Ha! enjoy not span the of.
Shh! enjoy apt of on neat.
Shh! enjoy tap on neat of.
Shh! enjoy to pan, neat of.
Then of on a paths enjoy.
Shh! enjoy on fat on tape.
The posh fat on an. Enjoy.
Enjoy shop not hate fan.
Enjoy posh than on fate.
Oh No! the fans enjoy pat.
Oh No! the fans enjoy tap.
Enjoy ape not hash font.
He enjoys on fat on path.
Heap not honest joy fan.
Not fans joy on the heap.
Heap Johnny's neat foot.
Hey! jeans poof than not.
Jet of annoys than hope.
Potent Johannes of hay.
Hey! Jonathan pets on of.
Enjoy not span of heath.
Hat span enjoy on the of.
Ha! enjoy pant honest of.
Enjoy pan hat honest of.
Oh! enjoy fat, honest pan.
A then fat on posh enjoy.
He enjoy on fat on paths.
Oops! enjoy than the fan.
Enjoy hot shop neat fan.
Soft! Ha Ha! not enjoy pen.
Hey! Jonathan nets poof.
Ha! enjoy on of than pest.
Oh! an of than enjoy pest.
Hash enjoy 'n' a potent of.
Enjoy not has the pan of.
Enjoy of hopes than ant.
Enjoy not phone fat ash.
Enjoy not has fat phone.
Enjoy fan as the photon.
Ha Ha! No! enjoy font pest.
Hasten pan of on the joy.
The posh joy of antenna.
Oh No! phone fatty jeans.
Jest of than annoy hope.
Eh! natty Johannes poof.
Enjoy then soap than of.
Shh! enjoy a potent. An of.
Shh! enjoy of on neat pat.
Enjoy pant sheath on of.
Enjoy than fat no hopes.
Then enjoy on a fat shop.
Enjoy on than feat shop.
Enjoy than to hope fans.
Enjoy fans hate photon.
Fast! Oh No! enjoy the pan.
Enjoy fast than on hope.
He enjoys on that pan of.
Not phase an of then joy.
The Johnny's poof. A neat.
Eh! jet annoys than poof.
The hasp, not enjoy an of.
Enjoy hast of pantheon.
Enjoy shone on fat path.
Enjoy phone hast on fat.
Enjoy hasten fan photo.
The fan on so enjoy path.
Oh! Ha! potent fans enjoy.
Johannes of potent hay.

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