Justin Anagrams

If you're subscribed to PLB, you may recognize these. In Issue Seven, Mel and Bex gave you a sample of some Nsync Anagrams. An "anagram" is a word or phrase made by transposing the letters of another word or phrase. Simply put, you can move around the letters of each sentence to create a brand new sentence, while keeping the same letters. Here's the examples Mel gave:

Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one
The morse code = Here come dots
George Bush = He bugs Gore
Britney Spears = Breasts R Piney

Mel and Liv are still on our concert high, and in awe of baby blue and the catwalk (*stares*) so we're featuring his anagrams this week. The ones highlighted in green are our favorites from PLB.

Rearranging the letters of 'Justin Randall Timberlake' gives:

Jerk and alarmist bulletin.
Jerk instil damnable ultra.
Jerk brilliant adults mean.
Junk brilliant male trades.
Jerks mean brilliant adult.
Jerk in brutal, manliest lad.
Mean retard jubilant skill.
Brutal, manliest jerkin lad.
Killer and jubilant master.
Junk brilliant, stale dream.
Junk sillier, damnable tart.
Junk brilliant lame trades.
Let's! jubilant, manlier dark.
Jerk balmiest, null radiant.
Jerk manliest, radiant bull.
I rattlebrained, small junk.
Let's! kinder, jubilant alarm.
Amen! brilliant adults jerk.
Bald, ultra, manliest jerkin.
Brilliant junk metals dear.
Let's! junk a brilliant dream.
Junk as rattlebrained mill.
Junk all-time latrines drab.
Amen! brilliant adult jerks.
Jubilant trademark in sell.
Blind jerk a manliest ultra.
Jerk in bald, manliest ultra.
I am dull jerk brains talent.
I'm a jerk brains dull talent.
I am blunt latrines jerk lad.
I'm a blunt latrines jerk lad.
Amen! retard jubilant skill.
An alarmist, blunt, idle jerk.
Jubilant, mean skill trader.
Junk least brilliant dream.
Dear! Let's! am brilliant junk.
Junk sillier, blatant dream.
Streaker and jubilant mill.
Jerk unstable, radiant mill.
Brutal and all-time jerkins.
Junk mad brilliant relates.
Junk mild rattlebrain sale.
Junk trades till lamebrain.
I'm jubilant talk slanderer.
An ideal tantrums jerk bill.
Jerk insult damnable trial.
Jerk installed brutal main.
Junk brilliant, deal master.
Blatant, smellier, arid junk.
Junk drab manliest literal.
Jubilant, mean traders kill.
Jerk brilliant, adult means.
Jerk brilliant, adult names.
Junk aberrant, small, idle it.
Junk steal brilliant dream.
Junk slim deal rattlebrain.
Drat It! banal, smellier junk.
Jubilant, dark, smellier ant.
Jerk bland rat illuminates.
Junk brilliant meal trades.
Installed jubilant marker.
Installed jubilant remark.
Liable tantrums jerk in lad.
Jerk damnable ultra in list.
Able latrines junk mild rat.
Junk brilliant master lead.
Junk blasted terminal liar.
Injure damnable skill tart.
Jerk inland balmiest ultra.
Jerk until damnable trials.
Damnable, ultra jerkin list.
A terrible junk and small it.
Junk slim rattlebrain lead.
Junk die small rattlebrain.
Amen! jubilant skill trader.
Drat! jubilant killers mean.
Jubilant dreamers kill ant.
Jubilant killer trades man.
Blast It! I am a null jerk nerd.
Jerk bland, manliest ritual.
Brutal jerk and slim entail.
Junk stared brilliant male.
Junk dreamt brilliant sale.
Junk slime rattlebrain lad.
Junk still lamebrained rat.
Junk blasted manlier trial.
Jar nuttier, damnable skill.
Jubilant, streamlined lark.
Kill aberrant, insulted jam.
Blast! adult, manlier jerkin.
Junk slid male rattlebrain.
I am bald, interstellar junk.
I'm a bald, interstellar junk.
Jubilant kills mean retard.
Jubilant skill and mere rat.
Likable tantrums jail nerd.
Jerk brilliant adults name.
Jerk inlaid tantrums label.
It is damnable, null jerk rat.
Jerk blind till an amateurs.
Jerk blind ultra, male saint.
Let's! I am an ultra, blind jerk.
I am dull jerks brain talent.
I'm a jerks brain dull talent.
Irritable, mental lads junk.
Junk terrible talisman lad.
Blatant, dreamier ills junk.
Junk direst, tall lamebrain.
Junk till lamebrained star.
Blamed latrines junk trial.
Jubilant killers trade man.
Amen! jubilant traders kill.
Kernel jubilant, dismal rat.
Blast! jerk in manlier adult.
Jerk instrument labial lad.
Jerk balmiest ultra in land.
Let's! jerk blind ultra mania.
Jerk instil and brutal male.
Detain brutal, small jerkin.
Mild ales junk rattlebrain.
Junk still trade lamebrain.
Renamed rat jubilant skill.
Drat! meaner, jubilant skill.
Brilliant jerk as adult men.
Jerk nudist, tall lamebrain.
A sillier, bland, mutant jerk.
Jerk blind install amateur.
Jerk blind lame ultra saint.
Brutal, mad till insane jerk.
Drat! jerk animals bulletin.
Balmiest, ultra jerkin land.
Let's! junk irritable man lad.
Kinder, jubilant, small rate.
Kinder, jubilant, small tear.
Am jubilant, skilled ranter.
Name retard jubilant skill.
Slim retard jubilant ankle.
Nude jam skill rattlebrain.
Labial jerk and slim nutter.
I jerk bland, manliest ultra.
Jerk till an amateur's blind.
I'm bald urinals jerk talent.
Detain in brutal, small jerk.
Blunt materials jerk in lad.
Blunt animals jerk idle rat.
Junk stared brilliant lame.
Junk blatant, smellier raid.
Junk bleed a small irritant.
Injure blatant skill dream.
Killer and jubilant stream.
Skilled until aberrant jam.
Unskilled jam rattlebrain.
Blast It! jerk rule mainland.
Blast It! jerk dear null main.
Jerk insult damnable trail.
Jerk bland, material insult.
Blind naturals jerk male it.
I'm a dull brains jerk talent.
I'm a jerk and blunt literals.
I'm a blunt latrines jerk lad.
Jerk manliest tribunal lad.
Blast It! annual, mild jerker.
Junk rate brilliant damsel.
Junk tear brilliant damsel.
Junk mated brilliant laser.
Junk label irritant damsel.
Junk slid lame rattlebrain.
Junk seal mild rattlebrain.
All kinder, jubilant master.
Jubilant lest manlier dark.
Jubilant links retard male.
Jubilant kills mean trader.
Jam and brute latrines kill.
I'm dull talent as jerk brain.
Ablest mild in an ultra jerk.
Blast It! jerk and ill manure.
Blast It! jerk in a null dream.
Mutant liberals jerk in lad.
Balmiest jerk and ultra nil.
Jerk in amateur's bland till.
Jerk in till bland amateurs.
Let's! I am bland jerk in ultra.
Jerk in amateur's tall blind.
Tall amateurs jerk in blind.
Jerk in an ultra, small bidet.
Mutant jerk brains all idle.
Darn It! jerk unable, small it.
Drat It! in unable, small jerk.
Jerk in and alarmist bullet.
Jubilant lest kinder alarm.
Darn! jubilant killer mates.
Damn! jubilant, ill streaker.
Dark latrines bulletin jam.
Blast! jerk ultra, mild inane.
Jerk labial tantrums lined.
Labial tantrums led in jerk.
I'm a jerk and resultant bill.
Let's! jerk until drab animal.
Jerk in slim, brutal, neat lad.
Jerk instil and brutal lame.
Ultra-bald manliest jerkin.
Brilliant adult jerks. Amen!

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