Becca's 24 Birthday Wishes

Whooooo! December 30 is BexXx's 24th Birthday. Go and get her something off the list...and if you can't get her anything, just send her some pudding! :)

Becca's Birthday Wish-List

1. I want Justin in a thong in a vat of warm chocolate pudding.

2. I want a car...preferably a purple one...a purple VW Beetle that's all sparkly!

3. I want Dia to live closer. (So she can't tell me "You live 40 miles away from me!" anymore...heehee)

4. I want Josh to be less confusing. (Apparently, I have a Wal-Mart in my ass that I wasn't aware of...)

5. I want another Nsync Barbie. (Beating up the one Liv got me is getting monotonous!)

6. I want Olivia to live closer.

7. I want JC to grow his hair back to the beautiful mop it once was...(Someone told me he got it cut!)

8. I want more clothes for Ghetto Fabulous...

9. I want world peace.

10. Did I mention Justin in warm pudding?

11. I want my mom to be healthy.. (They can't all be funny, folks.)

12. I want a private Nsync concert!

13. Oooh Oooh..I REALLY want a private Nsync concert! In warm pudding!

14. I want JC so that I can divide him between Liv and Liz...

15. I want Justin to do a striptease for me.

16. I want everyone to realize that Nick Carter sounds like Chuck E. Cheese when he sings.

17. I want to star in an Nsync video...preferably something involving nudity and warm pudding.

18. I want it NOT to rain on January 2nd in Los Angeles!

19. Money might be nice.

20. I want Jesi to admit she's Joe Fatone.

21. I want Chris Kirkpatrick to sing the Cheeseburger song with me.

22. I want to hang out with the old crew in the chacooze just one more time.

23. I want both of Pink's albums on CD...*nods*

24. I want Justin...period...end of story...

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