A Day in the Life of Chris Kirkpatrick

A typical day with Littlefoot...minus the cameos by Liv and Alli.

9:00 am: Wakes up to alarm going off, puts on slippers and stumbles to kitchen.

9:09 am: Calls Justin to annoy him...just because he can, and he knows he WILL wake up the bitch.

9:10 am: Puts phone down, because Justin just hung up on him. Gets some cereal and sits there for a little, figuring out whom to annoy today and how.

9:34 am: Jumps in the shower and continues to ponder a way in which to annoy each of his bandmates.

10:15 am: Gets out of the shower and calls JC, just to say, "What's up?" and ask if his refrigerator is running.

10:27 am: JC calls him back to say, "Yeah, my fridge works, but Olivia's wok doesn't."

10:28 am: Hangs up because he doesn't know what to say. Decides to call Joey to find out if he wants to hang out.

10:30 am: Hangs up with Joey, after agreeing to meet in about an hour. Chris is going to help Joe get back at Steve for...well, being Steve.

11:00 am: Watches a little TV, while plotting out the best way to get Steve back.

11:15 am: Goes to the store to pick up "supplies."

11:28 am: Gets back to hotel and stops by JC's to drop off a new wok he bought for Olivia.

11:35 am: With "supplies" in hand, meets up with Joe to secretly plot their strategy.

11:42 am: Finds Joe with a girl, so he decides to go bother Wade.

12:13 pm: After teaching Chris part of a new dance routine he had in mind for the guys, Wade's phone rings and he goes off to take the call.

12:19 pm: Accidentally breaks a lamp, while attempting to do the running man/roger rabbit/cabbage patch at the same time.

12:25 pm: Joey bursts into the room, looking for Chris, and sees the broken lamp. "What happened?"

12:27 pm: It was Toby! He sent aliens to try and abduct me, but I fought back.

12:30 pm: Wade hears all the commotion and comes back into the room. Tells Alli to hold on and proceeds to kick Chris and Joey out.

12:37 pm: After getting situated in Joey's hotel room, the two get started on "the plan."

1:03 pm: Lance barges into the room muttering about how Steve's "Gone to far this time..." Looks at the guys curiously and asks what they're up to.

1:04 pm: Chris tells Lance to "quick, close the door" and sit down with them. Lance looks confused, but does what he's told.

2:10 pm: After briefing Lance on "the plan," and working out the various phases, there's a knock on the door. "Hey! What are you guys doing in there? Lemme in! I need to video the required minimum of one hour per band member."

2:11 pm: With some quick, but not so bright thinking, Joey yells out, "We're not decent!"

2:12 pm: Lance smacks him upside the head as Steve hollers, "All the more reason for me to come in! Come on, unlock the door!"

2:14 pm: With real quick thinking, Chris calls Olivia and tells her and JC to distract Steve.

2:20 pm: After being held hostage by Steve, Chris hears Olivia being chased down the hall by a crazed JC. Then soon after, "Guys, slow down, I don't want this to look like Blair Witch Project!"

2:22 pm: Peeps into the hallway to make sure the coast is clear. Sends Lance to find Justin, Joey to find Johnny, while he finds out where Steve chased JC and Liv off to.

2:32 pm: Everyone congregates in Wade's room to talk about the big plan that Lance, Joey, and Chris came up with.

2:33 pm: Justin is especially excited especially after he got Punk'd with the $900,000 back taxes fiasco.

2:45 pm: The plan is executed, and Chris celebrates by trying to do the running man/ cabbage patch/roger rabbit.

2:46 pm: Knocks over a chair. Whistles loudly, pretending nothing happened, and runs out to do his part in the plan.

2:50 pm: Everyone sets out to look for Steve. Chris starts to skip down the hallway yelling, "Stever, Stever, Stever, come out where ever you are! I'm scantily clad and skippin!"

2:51 pm: With his video camera, Steve pops out from behind a plant, but is stunned as a water balloon sideswipes his head. He looks over his shoulder, "What the hell?"

2:52 pm: Chris tosses another balloon at Steve and then runs, giggling the whole time.

2:59 pm: With a series of water balloon lobbings, Chris lures Steve into a conference room.

3:15 pm: Waits for everyone else to arrive, then Johnny begins the meeting.

3:17 pm: Steve interrupts so that he can set up the tripod first.

3:18 pm: Joey and Justin tackle Steve, then tie him to a chair.

3:20 pm: Johnny attempts to resume the meeting, but Steve interrupts again.

3:22 pm: JC gags him.

3:24 pm: Johnny begins his speech about Steve's leeching ways.

5:55 pm: After lengthy testimony from the rest of the guys, Steve is informed that he would have to be terminated.

5:56 pm: Joey has the pleasure of removing the gag and stuffing the pink slips into his brother's mouth.

5:58 pm: On the way out of the room, Chris pats him on the back and says, "If it makes ya feel better, here's a hotel job app. Good luck, man."

6:01 pm: Johnny, Wade, and *NSYNC enjoy a QUIET victory dinner.

8:34 pm: After dinner, takes back all of Steve's equipment and footage and has management kick him out of the hotel.

Midnight: Paints his face, and runs in circles chanting and waving a stick around the bonfire fueled by the footage and equipment.

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