Here We Go

I, Liv, am a huge NBA Basketball fan. [Deee-troit Bas-ket-baaall!] Since I watch a lot of games, no matter who's playing, I am often bombarded with commercials for those skills enhancing videos. ie: Better Basketball or Magic Johsnon's Fundamentals of Basketball. Looking at these pics from the "Here We Go" video, these are the skills I think Justin would've taught us.

Justin Timberlake presents:

Get Yo' Skillz *N Sync

With JT's new series of basketball improvement videos, you will learn...

Offense, such as moving without the basketball...

Defense...stay on that mofo like white on rice...

Bouncing on a trampoline...every game has halftime entertainment...

How to argue your case with the refs...
"ME?! THAT WAS A *censored for tv* BLOCK, NOT A GOALTEND!"

And primping...afterall, you gotta look fly for those post-game interviews!

"Let's play some basketball, ba-bay!"

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