Smack Yer Lips and Pucker Up!

Hello, all! BexXx and Olivia with part four of our exploration of *NSYNC merchandise. We've made mention of this a couple of times on the site, so we decided to give you a rundown on the yummy prodcut known as *NSYNC Lip Balm.
Before we proceed with our topic of the day, Liv would like to tell you more about a couple items that were added to the *NSYNC food group.

Mmmkay, in our last three articles, we talked about the lollipops, fruit snacks and candy hearts. They just keep marketing more food items and we just keep finding 'em. Well kids, I present to you the *NSYNC Rock'N Pop'N Candy:

(Otherwise known as Pop Rocks.)

I didn't know anymore about these than the rest of ya. When Becca came to visit me last June, she brought me some and I was totally bewildered because I had never heard of them. The pop rocks, I mean, "Rock'N Pop'N Candy" comes in four flavors: Tropical Punch, Strawberry, Watermelon and Green Apple. Imagine that ish...but pop rocks were always cool, so I have to say I actually like these (next to the HOLY fruit snacks of course. lol) Just remember that pop rocks and soda don't mix!

During my visit with Tabz last August, the two of us also discovered a food item that was previously overlooked:

You're probably thinking, "So what? It's gum." Oh, but that's where you're wrong. When you open the package, you will see that this gum is SHAPED LIKE A CD! *gasp* Oooooh! But wait...there's more! There are three...count 'em...THREE differnt CD covers. And you get a FREE collectible sticker too! lmao Seriously. Go out and look for them, but be forwarned the gum loses its taste real fast...not that it tasted that great to begin with! lmao

I know you guys are all dying to hear what we have to say about the Chilis *ndorsements. We actually have a whole separate spiel about that which will come later.

And that concludes the Health and Nutrition portion of our article. If you know of any other food items that we haven't covered yet, feel free to drop me a line.

And now back to our main topic of choice. The lip gloss is a miracle to those of us who aspire to someday lick Nsync off our lips. And you can quote me on that!

LMAO! But they got the flavors all wrong. Bex and I decided to reason this out for you, and give you some ideas of which flavors suited the guys better.

Justin's Actual Flavor - Vanilla

Justin's lip gloss is the only one that doesn't taste good. But, I wouldn't mind getting a taste of Justin's "Vanilla" if ya know what I mean...*Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge*

Naughty! lol...Justin should have been chocolate. That makes more sense.

True, but if they had to go with vanilla, the least they could do was make the name more exciting. Like, Ice Ice Baby.

LOL. Personally, I think Humble Pie would have been more appropriate. =X

LMAO! But going with what you said, chocolate would have been a boring flavor. How about Black Licorice? No, even better...Grandma's Peach Cobbler!

There we go. He brags about it so much, I wanna see for myself how great it is.

JC's Actual Flavor - Watermelon

JC's was correct. It's pink, and I'm quite partial to it.

Speaking of pink, Lance shoulda been cotton candy.

Cotton SURE that shouldn't have been Josh? lol Because I'm totally feeling Pink Cotton Candy for him.

JC should be Tutti Frutti.

lol...tutti frutti.

Or what about Red Wine?

Oooh...sophisticated and romantic. ;) And you can't forget about one of my favorites, Orange Cream Cooler.

And Unperfect Peach. We were originally thinking of Unperfect Pineapple, but Liv said peaches were fuzzy.

Chris' Actual Flavor - Strawberry

I'm quite partial to Chris' lip gloss, too. Though you'd think he would have an exciting Passion Fruit-kiwi-lemon-lime-strawberry-mango...or philly steak *N cheese...or grilled halibut!

You can't forget about Funnel Cake or Gramma would be really mad.

Chris is about Walnut? Peanut? Macdamia nut? Coconut. COCONUT!

Lance's Actual Flavor - Blue Raspberry

Once and for all, will someone please tell me, "WHAT THE HELL IS A BLUE RASPBERRY?!"

Yeah! Are they insinuating something about Lance?

LMAO! Anyways, it tastes like a combination of blueberry and raspberry, and if you wear too much, it turns your lips blue.

Hypothermia can also turn your lips blue...

Maybe they should have named it Hypothermia instead?

That would be good. At least it's not false advertising.

Pink Lem*nade. Hey, Em...WE KNOCKED DOWN THE STAND!

Liv was thinking Cherry Blossom, but I think Sugar and Spice (and everything nice!) suits him better. lol

Lance is going to space, the lip gloss is blue. Can't go wrong with Blue Moon.

OMG! Dia found a Mississippi Fruit Cake recipe! That's it! lol

Joey's Actual Flavor - Green Apple

This is easy. Spahgetti and Meatballs.

What up, DORK?! Celery Stalks.

Would people get that?

If they know PopOdyssey, they know what I'm talking about.

Okay...what about Baby Formula Flavored?

You mean like breast milk?

NO! Liv...that's wrong.

What? I baby-sit a lot, my friends have kids. Word associations: the first thing I think of when you say formula is breast milk. SOR-RY!

*shakes head* Moving along...Twinkie. Oooh! Or Slim-Fast!

Hey! I like Slim-Fast...strawberry is good.

I'm not knocking SlimFast! lmao

So there you have it. Agree, disagree? Think of other flavors? Send me an email. Until next time, PLEASE beware the hoards of merchandise. And if you do decide to buy it, for God's sake, don't tell them we sent you.
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