A Day in the Life of Steve Fatone

Liv and Alli mess with the "Staff Videographer."

7:00 am: Complains about being awakened by Joey.

7:10 am: "I HATE THAT!" He accidentally left his camera on and his battery is dead.

7:15 am: Gets new battery out of closet.

7:20 am: Curses Chris for rigging the batteries so when he takes one, they all (all meaning 943,738,568,765,867 of them) fall on him.

7:38 am: After putting ALL the tapes back in closet, and a new battery in the camera. He figures he should get ready for the day.

7:41 am: Jumps in the shower.

7:53 am: "Son of a bitch!" Screams at Joey for flushing the toilet while he's in the shower, causing the water to become scalding hot.

8:15am: Gets out of the shower, throws on yellow rat bastard t-shirt and sweatpants.

8:39 am: Finishes his breakfast and waits for Joe to get out of the shower so he can find out what he'll be documenting that day.

8:41 am: Chris rushes into the room, screaming, "Joey got his big toe caught in the drain again." Steve rushes into action, camera in hand.

8:42 am: As he's running, trips over one of the stray batteries he didn't manage to put away and goes flying into Justin. "NOOOOO! MY CAMERA!"

8:43 am: The camera hits Joey on the head, and bounces back right into Steve's outstretched arms.

8:44 am: "Thank God you're okay!" Joey's smile fades as Steve goes back into the bedroom and sits on the bed, to double check his camera.

9:14 am: tries to tape Justin and Wade, "hanging out," but gets punched in the mouth.

9:19 am: Sits next to Joey, and Lance hands him an ice pack for his mouth. JC videos both Fatones sulking with their ice packs. "Heh heh...you guys are sexified!"

9:20 am: JC, with a sudden burst of energy, realizes the power he has with the camera, and runs off with it.

9:25 am: After about five minutes, Chris asks, "Well, aren't you gonna go after him?"

9:31 am: After contemplating it for a few more minutes, he simply says, "That took alot out of him. I'm guessing in about 10 minutes, he'll be fast asleep and the camera will be mine again."

9:41 am: Steve leads the gang downstairs to the lobby to find JC fast asleep, his head resting on the shoulder of a dark-haired girl. She is examining the camera.

9:45 am: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PEOPLE TOUCHING MY CAMERA, I HATE THAT!!!" He throws his hands up in the air, dropping ice pack on his foot.

9:47 am: "Ow!" After hopping around on one foot for a couple minutes, he hobbles over to Olivia and tries to snatch the camera. "DON'T TOUCH MY BABY!"

10:03 am: Olivia slaps him in the face, Lance hands him second ice pack.

10:14 am: "Hey, Wade, what happened to him?" Allison walks up to see what the commotion is about.

10:15 am: In slurred speech, "I got hit, alot."

10:17 am: Liv hands Alli the camera. "This one's for the record books."

10:18 am: Steve looks around, "Who are you two, by the way? The Detriot "girls?" Grabs mini-digital camera out of back pocket, and films them.

10:20 am: "They're not groupies! Geez, Steve! How stupid are you? Those two have only been dating Wade and JC since spring break." Chris smacks Steve upside the head, causing him to almost drop his mini-cam.

10:21 am: Steve gets up, and retires to his room for a nap. It's been a long day, already.

10:25 am: Gets up to his room and realizes Alli still has his camcorder.

3:38 pm: Yawns and groggily gets up. He grabs a beer from the minibar and decides to check his email.

3:45 pm: Jaw drops to the ground when there isn't porn from J$. Wants to "get this on tape" but realizes that Allison still has his camcorder. Pulls out his mini cam and pans over the computer screen, which suddenly says "YOU GOT MAIL!" It's porn from Lucky.

3:47 pm: Picks up his cell phone and calls Joe to see where everyone's at.

4:00 pm: decides to call the rest of the guys, since Joey repeatively answered the phone as "Seymor Butts Industries."

4:15 pm: After having called each of the guys and getting nothing but voice mail and mock answers, he mutters, "I HATE THAT!" and decides to check their rooms.

4:15-4:25 pm: Both Wade/Allison and JC/Olivia's have the "Do Not Disturb" door signs taped on the door, with "Especially You Steve" handwritten in. Walks to Justin's room, muttering, "I HATE that." Justin's just plainly not there, but can hear his cell phone ringing inside. He hears weird sounds coming from Joey's room, and just videos the closed door. He comes to Chris' room, to find that Chris raided the mini-bar, a not so good idea.

4:28 pm: "HEEEEEY, Steve my man. Where have you been hybrinating?" Chris asks, while doing the chicken dance.

4:30 pm: Steve looks at Chris, inconspiculously presses record, sets the camera on the dresser, and says, "Nowhere, just took a nap, what about you, Chris? Where's Lance?" Chris points to the bathroom.

4:32 pm: Picks up his camera and knocks on the bathroom door. "You decent? Even if you aren't, I'm coming in!" Hears Meredith Edwards music playing in the background, and finds Lance in a bubble bath with his rubber ducky floating amongst the suds.

4:45 pm: "We're going to eat, anyone coming?" Steve hears in the hallway, and he runs out there, to find 2 happy couples and Joey. Not to mention, Justin with his hand mirror.

4:48 pm: Chris does the bunny hop into the hallway. "We can't go yet...Lance isn't ready."

4:50 pm: Steve goes downstairs and gets his video equipment ready from every angle, he wants to eat and not miss anything on tape.

6:00 pm: Everyone is FINALLY assembled, and they gather around the table in the restarunt downstairs. (Lance took a really long time in the bath...and to get dressed because everyone kept distracting him, and Justin wouldn't let him near the mirror.)

6:45 pm: As Joey's eating his third chicken, Justin announces he's going clubbing. This causes Joey to choke on a piece of chicken in excitment. Chris is playing "duck, duck, goose" around the table.

6:47 pm: Lance giggles as Chris tags JC and yells "GOOSE!" He runs around the table, but quick as a cheetah, JC catches up and pounces on him.

8:00 pm: Finishes cleaning himself up for the club with Justin and Joey. "Missing something?" someone says at the door. He turns around to see Allison at the door.

8:08pm: when he gets over the shock of a girl being at his door, he answers, "Uh huh."

8:09pm: Just as she's about to enter his room, Wade calls, "Allison, where did you go, honey?" She turns to Steve, tosses the camera on the bed, "Watch the tape when you get back."

8:10 pm: She runs off, Steve screams, "I HATE THATTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

8:11 pm: Steve gasps and hugs the camera to his chest. "Oh, baby, I missed you. They didn't hurt you, did they?"

2:57 am: Dedjectedly, Steve walks in the room after their excursion to the club. He got some great footage with the mini-cam, but once again he came back to the hotel alone. Joey's ho's were starting to catch onto his freeloading ways. He sees the camcorder on the bed and eagerly rewinds the tape.

3:00 am: Pops video in, and then sees nothing but his face.

3:30 am: Still his face, but sleeping, sucking his thumb, mumbling, "No, not Joey. It's Steve."

4:00 am: A montage of, "I HATE THAT."

4:05 am: Screams, "THIS IS WHY I'M THECAMERAMAN!! I HATE....I HATE...I HATE ME!!!!!!" Passes out from intoxication.

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