W is for...

The meaning of Wade's name...

W is for Worker, I'm not a lazy bum

A is for Austrailia, down under's where I'm from

D is for Deomnic, my voice that's deep and low

E is for Evil, when I chant in "Celebrity", I know

R is for Red, my other favorite is black

O is for "Oh no!", Joe got his leg caught in a trap

B is for Bleach, I borrowed from Joey, J and Lance

S is for Sissys, I'm now teaching BSB to dance

O is for Over-sexed, I'm always getting laid

N is for *NSYNC, they're the reasons I get paid

Written by Olivia :D (with special help from BexXx)

Find out what the other guys names mean:
II Lance II JC II Chris II Justin II Joey II Steve II
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