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Native & Indigenous

"Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread in it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together, all things connect."
--Cheif Seattle
Russell Means
Yahoo Search


Leslie Marmon Silko


Paula Gunn  Allen




Aboriginal Peoples Television Network

Art - - Native to Canada




Culture- Native

Bob's Dreamcatchers



everybody's web tribe


Film - Native Americans in Film






Joy Dancer










Oyate - well-designed site, with a list of books to AVOID, and much more

Ohio State- American Indian Student Services





Red Feather Housing Organization


Spirit land




u v w x y z

UCLA - American Indian Study Center

walkstar - a lovely site

writers - native writers





Building Hope Out of Straw Article from

Inspired by [Oprah's] Use Your Life Award recipient Robert Young, Lucretia, Omney, Brenett and Kim, Native Americans from the Crow tribe, didn't just complain about the living conditions on their Montana Reservation. With their teacher's help, the "Rez Protectors," as the girls call themselves, discovered an award winning solution that gave their community hope.

Since the nearest library was 12 miles away, the girls decided to design a study hall built primarily out of straw. Their plan was to give students a quiet place to do homework, and to give parents new ideas about housing.

First, they had to prove scientifically that building with straw was an ideal solution. They discovered that putting stucco over the straw bales blocked out the oxygen, making them waterproof and fireproof. The girls used a blowtorch to prove that their wall would be fireproof. Their wall passed the test whereas a regular wall would have burned in five minutes!

The successful experiment won the top prize, a $25,000 grant, at the Bayer/National Science Foundation championship. The girls beat out students from all over the country. Their tribal leaders back in Montana were also inspired. The girls are breaking ground on their study hall this summer.

When the [Oprah] Angel Network heard that the "Rez Protectors" needed help to complete and furnish the study center, they surprised the girls with a gift of $25,000!

Article from

Black and Native !



The Sherman Alexie website  I've read: The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven [1993]

Recently on the Oprah Winfrey Show:

When best-selling writer Sherman Alexie's father was only six, he lost both of his parents. Sherman's own research revealed his grandfather was a military hero decorated with 10 medals of honor.

Those medals of honor were lost.

"He did something great. He believed in something so strongly that he was willing to die for it. My father, same way. His passion is enormous. And that's me too. I think when you're six, and you lose your mother and father, you don't ever get to be a child. Maybe those medals will give him a small piece of childhood back."

The medals were re-issued to Alexie's family.

A few special guests brought a gift for Sherman and his family. "Sherman, on behalf of a grateful nation, please accept these as a token of your grandfather's sacrifice and his dedicated love for America. These may only appear to be metal and ribbon, but they reflect your grandfather's history, his duty, his honor and personal sacrifice. It also tells the story of your family and your sacrifice. Because of that, our soldiers today stand ready to go when and where they're needed, just like your grandfather. Thank you." — Brigadier General Leslie Fuller, presenting Sherman with his grandfather's medals


The Wisdom of Native Americans compiled and edited by Kent Nerburn (New World Library) I haven't read it, but it looks really interesting. 


Blacks & Jews by Cornel West and Michael West: page 72-73 "ML: ...That's why ruling elites teach Americans the mantra that Americans are better off than everybody else in the world. CW: But that works only if you believe that legitimate progressive struggles ought to focus solely or primarily on those who are absolutely worst off. If you begin with that premise it will paralyze you. ML: I'm saying that this it what has been happening in the social change movements of the past thirty years where the emphasis has been on 'who's most oppressed?' It's the same as the conversation when you keep saying, 'You Jews have more options' and so on..... variant of the 'You guys are better off than us' line, which psychologically depoliticizes that group.

 CW:....If we want to talk worst off, we should be talking about indigenous people. Very few Black folk would fail to acknowledge that indigenous people get a worse deal than them....."

More links to come!!!!

Last Updated: August 2, 2003