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An evening of Prayer and Praise

Each Tuesday (6.00pm-7.30pm) a group of young adults meet in the Cathedral Parish Centre (behind the Cathedral) for an evening of prayer, praise and reflection on the Sunday Gospel. The evening is joyful and light-hearted, yet prayerful and reflective, and is focused on the living presence of Jesus and the companionship of His Holy Spirit. Song and personally expressed prayer and thanksgiving characterise the evening.

We are always looking to welcome new people to join us in talking and listening to Jesus. So don't be afraid: come and see!

This is what the evening looks like ...


bullet3 or 4 songs of praise are sung
bulletThose who wish to express their prayers of thanksgiving and praise out loud  

Gospel Reflection

bulletReading of the Sunday Gospel
bulletReflection on the Gospel- interior and discussion for those who wish to share their insights


bulletPrayers of intercession (prayers for the needs of the community, Church, world etc)
bulletPrayerful songs may be sung during prayer time
bulletConclude with Our Father and Prayer of St. Therese (our patroness)
bulletTea/coffee/soft drinks, dessert & socialising follow
bulletWhere: Cathedral Parish Centre
bulletWhen: Each Tuesday evening 6.00pm-7.30pm

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This site was last updated 15/09/03