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Lebanese Communist Students Web Community

Established on November, 16th 2002

لا تمت قبل ان تكون ندا . لن اموت حتى ازرع في الارض جنتي - الشهيد غسان كنفاني
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Communist Students are part of a lot of activities, they are in Menbar Dimocrati, Harakat Al Yassar Al Dimocrati (HYD), Platform, etc...
They also make a lot of activities & share lots other with other political groups, trying by that making contact with those groups in order to make a better country, & a better citizen.
We will try to mention some of the activities in this page along with some paper clips about them


نشاطات مختلفة

الجامعة اللبنانيّة

المنبر الديمقراطي

حركة اليسار الديمقراطي







أحداث عالميّة