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Jenavia's Cavern

The Lair

Many hearty welcomes to Jenavia's Cavern, where my sister is in charge and running the show. Here you can find information on herbal remedies and sample a few sizzling opinions from Dragontongue. Enjoy, and be warned- the faint of heart are not coddled here!


I am known as Dragontongue, sister to the Webweaver here, Dragontouch. I am situated in Texas, of the United States. I have no patience for deliberate ignorance, nor the mistakes caused by the above mentioned. I also have no patience for liars, and respect the ongoing search; for meaning, wisdom, love, whatever it is that impassions you. The hardest truth of all is the honesty it takes to face yourself, your deepest fears and caverns. The inner strength that is in each of us is the most precious thing to find and hold onto. Believe in yourself. Trust yourself. Love yourself. Any and all opinions pertaining to my particular page can be emailed to me at Further information will be coming soon.


-The left lane in America is for drivers that want to get in a fast car chase. If someone approaches from the rear and you are in this lane, GET OVER, or get run over or shot. Please drive fast in this lane, and do not embarrass it. This lane is not for the faint at heart. If you want to drive the speed limit, stay in the middle lanes. If you can't see where you are going because you are old, drunk, or are an idiot that can't drive, STAY IN THE RIGHT LANE.

-If you know you are going to exit within 3 exits, or you don't know where you are going, STAY IN THE RIGHT LANE. DO NOT do a multiple lane change in under five seconds unless you want to cause the other drivers to become irate, angry, and possible cause a wreck. Morons.

-If you are lucky enough to have a child, restrain yourself from trying to touch him constantly, and BUCKLE HIM UP. He may be cute now, but after flying through a windshield at 60 miles per hour, he is NOT cute. In a car going 3 miles per hour that is in a wreck, a child weighing a mere 10 pounds has a force of 200 pounds acting on him. If you can't lift 200 pounds, you CANNOT hold onto your baby.

-Cell phone drivers drive worse than drunk drivers. Get off the damn phone. It is still rude and insulting to other drivers, as well as dangerous. Do you have to talk to someone RIGHT NOW THIS INSTANT, then PULL OVER. (See rules 1 and 2)

-No matter what country you come from (Mexico) it is irresponsible and STUPID to put as many people as possible in a small space that is traveling 60 miles an hour around other distractions. This is how we control foreign population..... just wait for those 18-wheelers to smash you all up.

Things that Every Woman and Man Should Know