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Tuesday, 19 October 2004
some blue painting
Mood:  down
Now Playing: some kind of background classical music
for all you people who didn't already know, i've been in connecticut for the long weekend, staying at my roommate tasha's house. lots of russian, lots of food, and finally some Actual Sleep.

'vibrating, tall, powerful, green and shiny'...what's up with that as a product advertisement? i honestly love V.I.P. i picked up a shirt, two shot glasses 'hi there, do you swallow?' and 'remember my name, you'll be screaming it later' respectively, and a gorgeous beautiful playboy pillow there today. tash and i were going to get penis lights, but we couldn't afford them. major sigh. i've vowed to return specifically to buy them in the future. there were definitely old dirty men in there, though, browsing through the gay porn section and edging into the bondage cage. highly amusing shit.

list of work for those who have no care: i have to finish reading thomas paine (that's about a hundred pages) and answer the questions on him. then i have to finish my zen essay on quality. then i have to finish my stats homework in a way that leaves me understanding what the hell i did to answer the questions correctly. then i have to catch up on last week's reading, which is locke, and answer those questions too. then i have zen chapters to read that i'm very very unstressed about. and...oh SHIT. shit shit. i have a huge fucking russian test that i was supposed to study for's on wednesday. i guess i'll be studying for that from now until then. SHIT.

all right, then. tomorrow we get home, i unpack and decorate the place for halloween (because that's important), and do my laundry (unless people appreciate it when i smell unwashed). then i have four things to do: study for russian, finish off my stats questions, my zen essay and my paine reading/questions. those are all top priority...okay, deep breath, i've got it figured out.

and shit, gymming.

in other aspects of my porn name is now slippery kitty. i love tasha's family. i've gained too much weight and must now proceed to dedicate my life to becoming an attractive person again. ...and i talked to danilka last night! i was telling him about nearly burning down the suites last friday night and he said 'when i come over to america, i'll protect you'...which made my dreams, for once, very peaceful last night.

feeling old these days, short and dumpy. i'm convincing myself that they're transitory feelings, though. i suppose i just need to start focusing on my schoolwork, judging by how quickly i'm falling behind.

i really despise people who take advantage of others' genuine pain in order to play up their troubles, not because they actually care but because it gives them a footing of power in a social group. makes a girl feel stupid and used, and for once i have enough self-respect to say 'to hell with that'. it definitely doesn't ease things presently, but hopefully it'll save me from future grief.

and oh, i forgot to turn my alarm off. i think that classical music's been blasting from our room for three days now. my neighbors must hate me.

Posted by jazz/dragontouch at 6:22 AM
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