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Many parents are bewildered by the responsibilities implied in the arrival of a new baby. They feel that they have before them a highly scientific task with which they, in their ignorance, will be unable to cope. This attitude is erroneous and should be discarded. These are facts about child care that should be known, but if parents use common sense and really fond of their child they will not make serious mistakes.


At one time, pediatricians had their information neatly pocketed in concise crisp form and parents were told exactly what to do for their babies in each situation. More recently, however, pediatricians have discovered that babies cannot be treated in this rigid fashion. Just as babies are different from one another in size, color and other characteristics, so are they different from one another in their likes and dislikes, in their feelings and sleep habits, in their ways of growing, in their dispositions.

The first modern hospital for children was the Hospital des Enfants Malades, on Sčvres Avenue in Paris. It was founded in 1802. In Turkey the first hospital was founded for the children in 1899 in Istanbul.


Cancellation of centenary of Turkish Children Hospital



               Perforation error


Milk is opaque whitish or yellowish liquid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals for their nourishment of the young. Normal milk does not appear until several days after the birth of the young. The viscid fluid that is secreted from the time of birth until the appearance of normal milk is known as colostrum. Milk consists of globules of butterfat suspended in a solution containing milk sugar (lactose), proteins (mostly casein), and salts of calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, potassium and sulphur. It is deficient, however, in dietary iron and is an inadequate source of vitamin C. Water constitutes 80 to 90% of whole milk. Fresh milk has a pleasant odor and a sweet taste. The globules of fat have a lower relative density than the milk in solution, and consequently rise to the top.


This letter was sent registered and censored with special censorship seal from Helsinki to Istanbul 

Surcharge error on the stamp with arrow mark


Polish anti-tuberculosis by children stamps