Once there was a bird in a tree,
Who live like a gentlemen single and free.
One day he met this other bird so nice and kind
that it reminded him of a friend who eased his mind.
After talking to his new friend,
He realized these two had created a bond that will last to the end.
He said to the other bird about his meal.
"I like my worms thin, round, and full of mud."
The other bird stated
"I like my worms fat, rugged, and with a splash of bud."
Bird 1 stated,
"I am afraid I don't drink."
Bird 2 replied,
"That's okay I didn't think
that you would like me if I
told you I am a member of ABA."
Bird 1 though and asked
"What in the flocking feathers is that?"
Bird 2 replied,
"That stands for Alcoholic of Bird Anonymous.
This club was developed to stop us birds
from drinking while in flight.
So many of us have ran into cars
which knock us clean out of sight.
Some of us has flown so high
that we cannot get any oxygen to breathe
for without that
you sure to die.
So I speak to day in this tree
so wild and sly.
Be careful how you sway for
you might fall down in that cow pie."