GreekToMe News


2024-FEB-25 v7.4.0 Changed Built-In dictionary entry for SRN 4831. Added Report 47. Added KataBiblon (GK) and Logeion (GK) in dictionaries folder of the Full Download.

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Recent Releases:

2024-FEB-03 Added Translations file CNTR.txt (available for download in the Other Resources section above) that contains hyperlinks to the Center for New Testament Restoration website.

2024-JAN-19 v7.3.9 Added button with pencil icon below the Description area in the Checklist dialog. When a single checklist item is selected in the list on the left the button is enabled, allowing you to edit the description text.

2023-DEC-25 v7.3.8 Changed Built-In dictionary entry for SRN 316, 476 and 4976. If you hover over the label above the list in the Checklist dialog, you will see additional counts of the checklist items that have a checkmark and/or diamond, or neither.

2023-NOV-18 v7.3.7 Changed Built-In dictionary entry for SRN 1249. You can now create a word search puzzle from a checklist in the Checklist dialog.

2023-OCT-09 v7.3.6 Added Merge... button in Checklist dialog.

2023-OCT-08 v7.3.5 Changed Built-In dictionary entry for SRN 991, 3004, 4108 and 5306. Fixed the dictionary entry for G/K 41 which read "n/a". Added Checklist feature. See the "Open Checklist..." menu item in GreekToMe.pdf.

2001-SEP-02 Started coding GreekToMe in Java.
2003-FEB-02 Initial release of GreekToMe.
2006-JUL-09 Started writing Built-In dictionary.
2010-DEC-12 Built-In dictionary entry for each lexical word.
2011-AUG-06  Greek punctuation complete.
2013-NOV-29  Purchased Android tablet.
2014-APR-05  Initial release of GreekToMeLite for Android.
2015-JAN-10  GreekToMeLite for Android released on Google Play.
2017-SEP-30  Added support for UBS5.

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