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Block Out

Manufacturer: California Dreams, 1988, Technos, 1989

One could say that this was like a 3-D expansion on the themes first started by Tetris, with a pit into which you have shapes similar to the tetrominoes falling, and you need to fill out complete rows/spaces, or, as some might call it, faces, in order to clear them away. The difference is that, whereas Tetris has simply lines to fill out, here, you need to fill out a whole section/level/face within the pit in order to clear it. As a result, getting more than just one row clear is not as easy as in Tetris, though with practice, it's certainly possible.

In 1989, the Japanese game maker Technos came up with an arcade version that features a host called the Block Master. There are about 100 levels to go through here in order to win the game.

Video link: click here.

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