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Magical Drop (all games)

Magical Drop

Manufacturer: Data East, 1995

Line up 3 or more of the same color of balls to make them disappear. The game's interface is like Puyo Puyo going both down and up.

There's also a special version called Plus 1.

Video link: click here.

Magical Drop 2

Manufacturer: Data East, 1996

Design team:
Supervisor: I. Horita, Naomi Susa
Planner: S. Katagiri
Programmers: Tac. H, 3.2.1
Graphic designers: S. Takeuchi, Asamin, R. Sakurai, M. Sato, H. Hachiya
Sound: Koremasa, Hiroaki Yoshida (MARO), Shogo (Gama Delic)

* Character voices:
The Fool and The Devil: E. Tanaka
The Star: M. Sunada
The Chariot: Nobuyuki Hiyama
The Magician: Isshin Chiba
The High Priestess and The World: Eriko
The Justice: Ring Ring
The Strength: Gorira
The Empress: R. Sakurai
The Black Clown: K. Oka

* Foreign voices:
English: Steve Miller
Spanish: C. Amalia
Italian: B. Maurizio
Korean: K. Hyonsub, Maki

The sequel to the incredibly addictive puzzle game features more hectic gameplay, cool graphics with awesome animations, fun music and different gameplay modes to choose from. The characters are broad parodies of a few of the characters featured in Tarot cards.

There are some serious differences between the Japanese version and the international versions of the game:

* The Japanese version has character specific endings.

* All characters feature their own voice in the Japanese version, the European version features 4 voice tracks for all characters (some of these in Spanish) & the USA version features a single voice track for all characters.

* The Japanese version features three main different gameplay modes: Puzzle, Vs & Challenge. The latter mode is not included in any of the other versions.

* The Japanese version features three selectable skill levels for each gameplay mode (Easy, Normal & Difficult). All other versions only offer Easy & Normal skill settings.

* Bonus Characters : Enter the character selection screen. To play as Devil, Strength and Empress, highlight the following characters and press Down on each (in order):
00 - The Fool
01 - Magician
02 - High Priestess
07 - Chariot
11 - Justice
17 - Sorceress
21 - World

* Play Against Black Clown : Don't lose a credit and after the battle against The Empress, Black Clown will appears.

Video link: click here.

Magical Drop 3

Manufacturer: Data East, 1997

Design team:
Producer: Naomi Susa
Planner: S. Katagiri
Programmers: Tac. H, Poconyan, M. Saiki
Graphic designers: S. Takeuchi, H. Hachiya, R. Sakurai, N. Ishizuka, S. Nishiwaki, Okakumi, I. Seta, T. Arakawa, H. Hashimoto, Y. Kaihou
Sound designers: Koremasa, Hiroaki Yoshida (MARO) (Gamadelic), NmRtk (Gamadelic), Sin
Voice actors: Yuichi Nagashima, Fumihiko Tachiki, Takehito Koyasu, Haruna Ikezawa, Tsumugi Osawa, Miina Tominaga, E. Tanaka, M. Sunada, Eriko, Ring-Ring, Gorilla, Zaku, Okakumi
Cast coordinate: Radon'86 (Junko Araki)
Recording studio: Japan Vistec (Osamu Iwata)
Publishers: K. Oshima, T. Ebi, H. Miyashita
English translators: Mikio Brooks, Monika Hudgins, Siobhan Fallon, Ron Aughenbaugh
Debugers: K. Kusanagi, H. Ohtsubo
Special advisers: A. Wakabayashi (Nal), A. Shibazaki

More characters, more gameplay modes, more frantic gameplay, more fun! This is what every videogame sequel should be, and the third entry in one of the best puzzle game series is indeed a game not to be missed! Lots of fun for one or two players!

The game now features parodies of all the characters featured in the 22 cards of the major Arcana in a Tarot card deck. These are numbered from 0 to 21 as follows:
01. Fool
02. Magician
03. High Priestess
04. Emperor
05. Empress
06. Hierophant
07. Lovers
08. Chariot
09. Strength
10. Hermit
11. (Wheel of) Fortune
12. Justice
13. Hanged Man
14. Death
15. Temperance
16. Devil
17. Tower
18. Star
19. Moon
20. Sun
21. Judgement
22. World

Note that the only exception to this statement would be Black Pierrot since he does not appear in a Tarot card deck. Black Pierrot is an added bonus character to challenge really good Magical Drop 3 pros!

In puzzle and adventure modes, only 8 characters are available: Fool, High Priestess, Emperor, Lovers, Chariot, Strength, Justice and Star.

The Japanese version of this game features LOTS of stuff unavailable in any other version:

* In Challenge Mode there is a story intro at the beginning explaining the reason behind the Magical Drop competition, an extra animation showing a close-up of the Magical Drop book as it opens, an ending for each character available in the game, a "Hard" difficulty setting, as well as a bonus fortune reading when you beat the Challenge Mode or you lose against the CPU and refuse to continue. All of this is absent in the USA & Europe versions.

* In Challenge Mode, each character has a unique set of quotes before a battle begins, this even applies in the battles against the end bosses Tower & Fortune. In the USA & Europe versions there are only two possible quotes before a fight for all characters:

* In Adventure mode, each character has its very own story intro as well as its very own ending which is different from the one seen in Challenge mode. Additionally this mode plays like a board game in which you compete against three other characters on the board, and if any of the others get to Empress' castle before your character, you will get a generic bad ending. If you arrive on a tile already occupied by a CPU-controlled character, you will have 2 options:
1) The option on the right: you don't want to trouble and ignore the opponent (sometimes you will have to back off 1 tile)
2) The option on the left: you fight the opponent. If you win, he or she will be eliminated but it would be the same for you if you fail, so be careful!
In the USA and European versions, there is no storyline and the only character on the board is controlled by the player.

* Like in the previous game, each character has his/her own unique voice. The European version features less voice tracks and the USA version features a single voice track for all characters.

* There's a special version of this game called Magical Drop 3 Wonderful available on the Sony Playstation.

Tips and scoring:
* Play as Father Strength: At the character select screen, highlight Strength, hold C and press A or B. This trick does not work nor in puzzle mode nor in adventure mode.

* Play with bonus characters: At the character select screen, highlight any character (Except World, World's number is 21 so she can't be used for this trick) and wait until the timer counts down to the number assigned to that character:
00 - Fool
01 - Magician
02 - High Priestess
03 - Empress
04 - Emperor
05 - Hierophant
06 - Lovers
07 - Chariot
08 - Strength
11 - Justice
13 - Death
15 - Devil
17 - Star
19 - Sun
20 - Judgment
Then push C only three times. Moon, Hanged Man, Hermit, Temperance, Tower and Fortune will appear and will now be selectable. This trick does neither work in puzzle mode nor in adventure mode.

* Secret Stages:
1) Moon (after level 6): Finish the sixth stage without exceeding 90 seconds since the beginning.
2) Hanged Man (after level 6): Finish the sixth stage exceeding 300 seconds since the beginning.
3) Black Pierrot (after level 10): Finish the tenth stage with at least 150,000 points.

Video link: click here.

Magical Drop F

Manufacturer: Data East, 1999

This fourth entry was just produced for the Playstation console. It's got an RPG mode where there are seven magical drops that have been scattered throughout the magical land and it is your job to retrieve them via competition with other opponents.

Video link: click here.

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