A Taste of Honey
Candy Kisses

Candace Warner drove into Webster Point Wisconsin, the back of her Audi laden with wedding gifts and bachelorette party goodies for her best friend's Audra's nuptials. Looking forward to her stint as maid-of-honor was the one thing that had kept her going these last few weeks when her whole world had crumbled. Losing her job in a corporate restructure stung, especially since she'd turned into a workaholic on her climb up the corporate ladder, shunning men and personal relationships. Her sexuality was simmering, thanks to prowling thought erotic boutiques in search of the perfect party favors for the bachelorette party.

She'd come up with a game plan, go back and throw Audra the bachelorette party of her dreams, and at the same time find a man to show her how to use all the kinky toys she'd picked up. She didn't need mister right, just mister right now. Step one would be finding the ideal man with the expertise to make her come. She brushed a wave of honey blond hair away from her eyes and thought of her target, James Edwards came to mind. She'd had a crush on the hunk in high school and still single according to Audra.

Now she had two whole weeks to rest, recuperate, host a kick-ass wedding shower, and be maid of honor at Amy's wedding, before she had to think about job hunting or going back to the real world. Life was good darn it and she was going to make the most of it. She pressed her foot down on the gas pedal as the city limits sign came into view, and heard the wail of a siren directly behind her. She groaned glancing at the police car behind her in her rearview mirror, its lights flashing. An unblemished driving record spoiled because she was thinking about sex. That ought to teach her to keep her mind on her driving.

She pulled over, and the police car pulled up right behind her on the shoulder of the highway. Candace opened her purse to get out her drivers license, and pulled her registration out of the cars center console. Glancing out the rearview mirror, she watched a tall, handsome cop, get out of the police cruiser. As he walked toward her she decided the hunk looked a wee bit familiar, but from where. Her musing came to a halt as he stepped up to her open window.

"License and registration, ma'am."

She thrust them out the open window at him, craning her neck to get a look up at his face. He wasn't smiling, and as he looked at her driver's license, he cast a suspicious look back at her. The mirrored glasses over his eyes kept her from reading expression but didn't hide the sexy curve of his mouth. What might he taste like? She blushed at her errant train of thought. Erotic thoughts were warping her mind. She'd even brought a cute little vibrator called a jackrabbit. It was secreted in her cosmetics case next to her clit gel. It was a good thing he couldn't read her mind.

"Wait here ma'am," he said walking back to his cruiser.

She watched him go knowing he was probably going back to check for any outstanding warrants. She'd watched enough police dramas to know the drill. He wouldn't find any, she was clean. When he came back smiling a few minutes later, she was relieved.

She had a great view of the bulge in his crotch as it was at eye level. As if feeling her interested gaze on him he crouched down so that they were at eye level. "Do you know how fast you were going Miss Warner?" he asked. "It is still Miss, isn't it?"

"Yes its Miss," she admitted annoyed and hoping he hadn't noticed that she was ogling him. Her marital status was none of his business. "And no, I'm afraid I don't know how fast I was going."

"Fifty in a thirty-five mile per hour zone," he said.

"Oh my." Heat flooded her face. She bit her lip feeling a pang of conscience. "I'm sorry, just write me out a ticket and I'll be glad to pay it."

"Now, what kind of welcome home would that be?" he asked with a half smile. "As it's your first offense, I'll let you off with a warning this time."

"Thank you," she said taking her license and registration back from him. Their hands brushed. His fingers were warm, long, and tanned, her heart raced. Was he flirting with her? She didn't have much practice in flirting.

"I'll follow you into town to make sure you get there safely," he said.

She started to tell him it wasn't necessary but he was already halfway back to his cruiser. The man had long legs to go with that hunky body and he knew how to use them. There was something about a man in uniform. Staring back at him through her rearview mirror, she decided he was even yummier from the back. Tight butt, long powerful legs, blushing, she started her car, and drove into town. He stayed on her tail until she pulled into her parent's driveway. With a wave, he drove away.

She got out of her car and watched his taillights disappear around the corner still wondering who he was. She should have asked for his number.

* * *

Mitch Hammond drove his cruiser away from the Warner's two story colonial house with a big smile on his face. He'd been expecting to see Candy at the wedding but he wasn't counting on literally picking her up on the highway. Now all he had to do was see if he could pick her up in real life. Yeah right the minute she finds out your name she'll high tail it out of town. He'd just have to see what he could do to change her mind, handcuffs and whipped cream came to mind.

He'd had an unrequited crush on her back in high school but he'd been too shy to approach her. He wasn't shy anymore and he planned to be requited big time. He couldn't wait to taste some Candy kisses. His cock swelled behind his fly at the thought of where else he'd like her sweet lips to be. Candy was going down-on him. The sultry look in her eye had been enough to make him primed and ready. He was finally going to get some Candy kisses.

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