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Capstone Project Introduction

ILS 616 - Social Sciences - Literature and Sources is an important course for a reference librarian in order to learn about the literature available in the various fields in the discipline. For the course project, students were to pick a topic within the scope of the social sciences and write a paper that discusses the information flow within a selected field. Additionally, an interview was to be conducted with a reference librarian that handles the one or more of the social science fields. Furthermore, a pathfinder needed to be created for a topic of the student's choice.

Education is an important field in the social sciences. It was also reasonable to choose this field with the availablility of a librarian that would be available for an interview. After some searching on the Internet, it was concluded that librarians have created numerous pathfinders for various academic subjects including education.

When one looks at the reference collection of a library in the education section, many of the materials are concerned with financial aid. It seemed plausible to create a pathfinder for financial aid because this is an important category of education.

The web site is organized as follows:

Study Paper


This project was chosen because it demonstrated the the concepts presented in Librarianship as a CAREER. The six concepts are presented here.

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Prepared as part of the requirements for the Master of Library Science Degree
Department of Information and Library Science
School of Communication Information and Library Science
Southern Connecticut State University