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inspirations from Canada
august 1999
i want to stop being an oblivious american
i want to save the rainforest
and the whales
and the cockroaches
i want to be an instrument of peace
i want to meet God
somewhere out over the water
and i want Them to tell me They're proud.
i want a cup of coffee
i want you
i want to take pictures
i want freedom!
or something.
i want a ska concert in my front yard
i want albert einstein to be my dad
i want to be a popular kid
with cool hair.
i want to be brutally honest
an iconoclast with a cult following make thefuckingpointlessdifference
i want a donut.
you may be The Anti-Time
october 1999
a very very old man
squeezes his wet and wrinkled fingers into fists
and thinks about his life.
his weak heart cries under
the burden of his troubles.
he lifts his face to the sky and says to the universe,
"mr. jones, i am ready to die."
his mother, somewhere, groans
and the doctor lifts her new baby boy
into the critical too-bright morning.
her, alone in the middle of nowhere
october 1999
she asks me what this sweat is worth
i tell her nothing. nothing at all.
solitary confinement is what her song claims,
but she always smiles knowingly when they joke
her about the unshuttered windows to her soul.
windows of hard, clear rock
nothing but the light comes in
nothing but the light comes out
there is no barbed wire
or armed guard
only solid transparent stone.
it is so infuriating.
october 1999
anna is rainy autumn nights
and crumpled paint tubes
anna is long black skirts
and combat boots
she is liquid and flowing and misunderstood
anna is caffeinated moonlight
anna breaks things in her mind
sometimes just to watch the steam rise.
she dreams of machines
and her lonely binary future.
they turn the lights off and she leaves.
mayo and pudding
for my talented friend
january 2000
will you be my blueberry death?
warm and
and full of poisonous sparkles?
you don't have very prominent side burns.
please wear your water shoes everyday.
BILL, will you cut your hands open for me,
so i can see your glittery insides?
prom date
july/august 2000
i think of you when i buy pants.
would you like this style? when you see me walking down the street in these pants, will you notice me? even though you maybe won't remember that we met, will you take the memory home with you and look at it when you're trying to fall asleep at four am?
will you remember i told you my favorite song? will you play it on your guitar and smile at me when i stumble by?
you asked me to sing with you. my throat is a dark cave full of bats and a nest of gold glitter and a blender stuffed with angry felt tip pens. "just mouth the words then." i can't remember them looking at you.
i want to tell you what happened to me today, why i feel weak, and why i like it that you can spell my name backwards.
i think of you when i wash dishes.
do you want to sit in my chairs and sip bitterness from this mug one day? will you understand the beauty in the cobalt blue soup bowl?
can i calm your endless coffee urges with my own caffine? will i still want to kiss you when your breathe is sour and laiden with cocoa beans?
everything is so superficial. my clothes, your drinks, artsy, trendy, never passe, always in the in crowd, always loved always admired what's to be expected you're beautiful. i wouldn't mind digging a little deeper. is there really anything under the lyrics, under the brown locks, under the bloody moon and the crisp brown late night leaves? let me see you eat a taco. i want to bear hug you when you haven't showered or changed your clothes in two weeks due to depression and apathy.
i want to sprawl on the floor next to you in the dark and drink in wine and zaireeka noise. don't even touch me, just be there. and then touch me everywhere...just...being...there
by the way, i'm thinking of you.
i remember
chacing you on the wet morning lawn
the new sun laughing at us for being goofy
i know you don't know this, but
i loved the way you didn't even try to reach the frizbee when we winged it at you. you just grinned through your hair.
but i'll tell you a secret
i'm so tired
and so pissed off
nothing ever seems to work out the way i need it to
just make this easy on me, baby
don't let this get stupid.
i'm not sure that i want to sit up alone until five am
writing you poems
digesting your letters
playing your songs
waiting for the autumn
prom king
august/september 2000
you're just some guy
i don't need you to love myself
i don't need you around when you just make me nervous
i don't need you here turning me inside out
i don't need you
i don't need to keep thinking about you
i don't need this
please stop singing
please stop strumming my strings
please don't look at me through brown curls
go catch that damn frisbee
write your world
go be yourself
without me
let this go
what a painful distraction
forget about you
don't press this any further.
september 2000
hold my hand...we'll trampoline together
terror night
october 2000
my food
is caffine.
i love you.
cold calculations.
shoot them like
vile dogs, vermin.
someone knows
these people.
death by ice
man-made famine.
i am going to
lost direction.
heaven is colapsing
unique. indviduals.
the office
december 2000
i went up
through the air ducts in the ceiling
i found that blue place
in between
the ocean
and the sun
god wasn't there
but i am now
shatter the lotion bottles
and the hard bodies
and the movie music radios.
grab clumps of her long blond hair
rubbing glass sand into her cheeks
please stop wondering
the rock formations were
here before you were
don't go in the water
your meds haven't digested yet
take the beautiful thing
and spin it ugly and uncomfortable
get healthy
be healthy
i'm screaming on the beach
but the sun is staring into me
and saying,
"i want to be you"
december 2000
green and black highways
made of glass
we pulled over to change the
i followed a shimmer on the ground
a dimond engagement ring
in the gravel and indifference.
dharma thumb
may 2001
what is the sound of a flute with no holes?
it is not the sound of a flute with many holes.
i have no ears; i do not care if the flute with no holes makes any sound if blown into, if dropped.
with no ears, no perception, no mind, no interest.
good luck
july 2001
don't do it
don't do it
don't do it
don't fall in love with the broken girl
anxiety stricken
you'll never win her -
if you compete for a woman's affections with another lover
you always have a chance
all situations may be solved by compromise
and honest talk
but NO
you'll never be more important than her
you think you can hold her
put up with
remain true
but in the end
her priorities and chains will push you
far enough away that you feel
(those old demons no longer seem romantic)
and as you turn and walk away
you'll mumble,
"well, at least i tried"
and she'll know
man has failed
she knew you would
from the beginning
you'll greive
begin to think of other things
then months
you'll read about her accomplishments
(or failures, either way)
in the paper and you'll let your coffee cup fall
and your first reaction will be,
" . . . "
ballad of the tea drinker II
november 2001
man, try the mudslide coffee today, it's incredible
pen, lip gloss, too many cigarettes!
there's that seaflavored paint on the wall
there's the thick beard the
loooonnng fingers
the door opening eyes
telling the stories -
so much more important than our flashing lighters
or maybe not
christ, rob, stop being sick!
dreams mingle with chess pieces and accidents and
colorful grins
forget it!
remember it!
sell your soul for a cup of coffee and a
gawd damn beautiful conversation
"honesty!" jessy woletz says,
and i believer her!
here's my contribution to the
consciousness collection
the little lights on the amp's
switch board
are synched up with everything here,
not just the guitars -
heart beats -
quick breaths -
deep inhales -
sknivering thoughts
awwwww shit she looks good to-night!
more caffeine
more speed
another cigarette
getting funkier
and funkier
every night
playing here every night
night whispers
damn the artist,
damn them right down to
shred that tune baby!!!!
whisper to me
that long slow musical
fuck witha full day of
fog machine and
bass drum foreplay.
watch everyone rock
themselves inside
out right side queer
vegan asshole still sucking
down cigarettes just like we will
sex offender
december 2001
rape. raapeee.
i was born quietly to a 45 year old woman
the financially comfortable white father of three doctor grinned
as he circumcised me with a soft pink blanket.
i must've blinked because the next thing i can think of is fluffy pink bunnies with long beautiful eye lashes whispering sweet nothings in my sweet pink ears.
for twenty years my loving conceivers told me nice stories about bunnies living in harmony - bunnies adoring beauty, bunnies not crossing the avenue alone, bunnies not teasing the other children about their deformities, bunnies slow dancing the night away, bunnies not scratching their chicken pox, bunnies fighting communism, bunnies attending mass regularly, bunnies flossing properly, and little pink bunnies falling in LOVE with little blue bunnies and waiting until after marriage to make more rabbits.
but that was okay, wasn't it. i told them i wanted to be a princess. the said i was. my mother believes in princesses.
my mother believes in literacy
my mother believes in honesty
my mother believes in responsibility
my middle name is responsibility!
everyone called me susie though.
so so so so so after the story books
after the box office hits
after the top 40 love songs
after being a geek in school
i'm living at home
& majoring in english
i didn't ever meet a poor person until my freshman year at college. it wasn't long enough ago for me to call her anything more respectful than a "poor person".
i was raised on mcdonalds cheeseburgers and apple slices. now meat makes me sad and apples give me gas.
but besides all this misdirected resentment
& besides the perfectionism
& besides the little sky blue pills i grin & gulp down every morning
besides the fact that i am leaning up here right now bitching...
but anyway. all i have to say is that bunnies either leave for another princess or leave for service to their patriarchy or leave know. to find themselves.
maybe i like pussy. maybe i like fucking. or maybe i like to looooooose consciousness mmmmmmmmmmm
i have the very best blue plaid comforter in the whole world. i could sleep on the gawd damn driveway with that blanket. the best blanket ever. but you understand there must be something phallic about it, somehow. like this smooth pen i adore writing with, and this flaming
cigarette; that i SUCK and BLOW on...but it's really just a little LICK o' nic...
i've had about enough. what i need, what i really need is a deep SOUL FUCK with a tijuana hooker!
how did this poem get to be so consumed by sex? how did i get so consumed by sex? sexual intercourse, gender relations, sexual identity,
sexual preference?
when has this ever been about preferences??
buddah buddah buddah buddah buddah buddah buddah buddah buddah buddah buddah
i'm trying to remember that everyone is the buddah.
i wonder if that SOUL fucking is better with an enlightened mind?
i don't think bunnies are capable of enlightenment.
buddah buddah
every bunnie is the buddah.
i like how my lower case "d"'s slant to the left on paper. i wonder what it means.
it probably means something about my housewifey comfey suicidal FUTURE.
future future
buddah's pink bunnie future
but buddah is about today.
today today today today today today today today today today today today today today
december 2001
her name is
i call her
december 2001
if you wrap yourself in daffodils
i will wrap myself in pain.
if sam holden is
destined to be the king of california
or at least the
of a veritable bohemian/hippie
art and poetry refuge
then by gawd
i will certainly be
the queen of the rain.
.fitter happier more productive / comfortable / calm / more calculated / at ease / eating well / a patient better driver / no paranoia / favors for favors / fond but not in love