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From Being Magic by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Basic Being

This is an expression of my basic beliefs on Being (B).

It shows my view of the “Higher” basis, Divine Plan or Heavenly Foundation for Life, that of B.

It can be important to know there can be Real or theoretical Reasons for Life, and to examine one’s place in Life in relation to “Higher” Reality.

If one can access ANY of the Essence of B, and especially the Essence of B of many or all B’s, then there is a good chance that one’s life will become more meaningful.

Having a meaningful life can be a good thing!


I believe (IB) there are two types of B’s: the Supreme B (SB) and Child B’s (CB’s).

IB there is only one SB and infinite CB’s.

The SB

IB the SB is the MotherFatherGod and the most godly of all B’s.

IB the SB probably prefers to live at the most heavenly levels to Life as the Supreme Origin of All that is Good or really the Best to be achieved in Life for any B.

This would probably include highest Love, Will, Compassion, Light, Awareness and other Soul attributes.

IB the SB would probably be the source of all Energy and Laws that regulate Energy and CB activities that use Energy.


IB the purpose of each CB’s existence is to experience Life.

IB each CB is given the Opportunity to experience any and all Aspects to Life within the Laws that originate from the SB.

Some CB’s are younger CB’s (YCB’s) than older CB’s (OCB’s) and the oldest B, the SB.

It is possible that (IIPT) all CB’s were created by the SB at the origin of all Time. In this case IIP that YCB’s are those B’s who have experienced and progressed through Life least in relation to OCB’s Who have had more exposure to Life. In relation to any CB, there are probably always YCB’s and OCB’s.

Perhaps YCB’s in relation to OCB’s have spent more time enjoying wherever They were, for longer periods in the same “places” that OCB’s have already passed through.

If a CB is living through a body, such as a physical body, IIPT the CB’s use of the body is dependent on an Infinite number of other CB’s such as bacteria B’s, individual cell B’s and perhaps even atomic and subatomic B’s. However even if all other CB’s were to stop supporting a particular CB, IIPT the CB would continue to live on because each CB has Infinite Life, with or without other CB’s.

Perhaps a good way to “get ahead” in Life for any CB is to be helpful to other CB’s like one Family member is to another Family member.

The SB and CB’s

IB the SB allows CB’s to live. How this is done I do not know.

IB each CB is a direct descendant of the SB.

IB there are no intervening B’s (CB’s) between the SB and any CB who can truly separate a CB from the SB.

IB each CB possibly lives separate from the SB for an Infinite amount of time, yet in some part of each CB, there is a true Oneness with the SB where there is no separation.

IB the SB has the most concern of any B for any CB.

IB the SB will never be totally embraced and experienced by any CB unless the SB completely accepts the CB back into the SB, something that may happen at the end of Time, if Time ever ends.

Aspects of B

There are various Aspects (A’s) to Life. Some of these A’s are physical, emotional, mental, soulful and spiritual. Five Aspects of Being

IB the spiritual Aspect (SA) is the highest Essence of B. Spirit is the “I” part of any B. IB Spirit is completely above all form and Infinite. IB Spirit cannot be destroyed. IB Spirit is without Image.

IB the highest Aspect with any form (conceptual or substantial existence) is the Soul Aspect (SOA). IB SOA is the “closest” to the SA and is the most permanent and long-lasting A.

The Will a CB uses to manage Its existence is probably granted by the SB to each CB at the “junction” of the SA and the SOA.

Each CB is allowed to access Will to choose CB activities in Life.

As a CB tunnels their way through Life, through Time, through activity, the CB acquires “clothes” of Karma (Cause and Effect) that give the CB everything the CB wants to wear. One of the most definite ways a people CB takes on clothes is through Beliefs. It is also the most common way for a CB to become primarily attached and focussed on certain A’s to the exclusion of other A’s.

A very powerful way for any B to become engaged with some A or B in Creation is to identify with that A or B, to say “I AM” such-and-such with respect to some B or A or something(s) of an A. Sometimes a B will fall head first into complete identification with some other B or something and will become overly attached to the B or thing.

This is the situation of many CB’s living as physical Earth people today. We have become so accustomed to identifying with our physical bodies and the physical world, we have lost sight of our higher A’s of Being.

This is why there is the Will, to help us to be less obsessed with something if we want to Be in some other way. We can use the same ability that has stuck us to the physical A to identify with other A’s or B’s to escape entrapment. This can sometimes be done just by thinking “I AM” at this other state of B.

It has been shown by modern medical science that much of our conscious sensation comes from the neurological and chemical composition and activity of our brain and other physical bodily parts. Our brain is like a model of some portions of the A’s to Life, with certain portions involved in various soul, mental or emotional functions.

Our brain is a like a fine physical organ or musical instrument, that is affected by our Inner Self that extends like a tuning-fork or rod up and into our Higher A’s of B. This is shown by the following figure: Physical Brain as Circle with Inner-Self Tuning Rod

In summary, even though much of our Earth person consciousness is materialistic, attached to the physical A, we still have access to the Higher A’s to our Self and Life.

This access is often gained by becoming more Spiritual or going “within” our Self and carefully sensing or interacting with other A’s using our own Divine Organ of Brain and Inner-Self Tuning Rod.

Purpose of B

Again, the main fundamental purpose to B is probably to experience Life.

However there could be another more important purpose for CB’s, the purpose of eventually becoming One with the SB in “Highest” Glory, at the maximum upper limits of the SOA.

IB this Highest Heaven (HH) might be the “Omni” place (OP) where a B’s Spirit has full capability of living with maximum benefit for all B’s in the Family of Life.

IB in the OP or HH, a B could be OmniPresent, Omniscient, OmniBeneficial, OmniCompassionate, OmniLoving, OmniConsiderate, OmniWellBehaved, OmniEverything.

IB in the OP or HH a B would be most obedient to the Laws established by the SB and therefore would have plenty Rights to accompany any Divine Duties (DD’s) within Creation.

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