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From Being Magic by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Avoid Unhealthy Drugs

An Earth Being’s physical consciousness is affected by the brain, nerves and other bodily systems.

A Being (B) often likes doing THINGS that give pleasure or relief of pain from those systems.

One of these THINGS is taking drugs.

The Illusion of Drugs

Many drugs give TEMPORARY satisfaction.

To equate a drug with PERMANENT satisfaction is to justify an Illusion.

Drug users can experience TEMPORARY cessation of hunger, less pain, extra energy, peace or excitement, interesting altered awareness or even pure physical pleasure. These are NOT normal natural events. They can be like an Illusion, a mirage in the desert.

A B’s physical Lower Self cannot provide long-lasting satisfaction to their consciousness or Higher Self by continually altering the material of their physical body with drugs or any other physical substance or activity.

Satisfaction based on the temporal, Materialism including drugs, is temporary. Satisfaction based on the permanent, the Spiritual including rightful living, is permanent. The closer a B comes to satisfaction through the Spiritual, the longer and more often satisfaction will be experienced.

The Drug Drain

Often drugs are a trade-off: Taking a drug for satisfaction will result in LESS of other things more valuable, such as good health, life savings, a job or family or friendly relationships.

For example, an extremely dangerous hard drug such as ALCOHOL can give temporary biochemical satisfaction to a user while depriving the user of awareness, safe confidence and self control; perhaps even harming other B’s.

(In many fine and decent Muslim land there are very healthy strict laws against dangerous drugs such as ALCOHOL.)

Control by Drugs

Most drugs taken regularly will weaken in their effects. More and more of a drug must be taken to gain the same effect. The drug will sometimes become a major focus of a B’s life, a case of Matter Over Mind, a physical substance of the Lower Self almost ruling over a B with a Higher Self and Higher Aspects.

This is not so with non-drug activities such as thinking, prayer, meditation, meaningful relationships with others, healthy exercise, giving Love and Light. In these the Higher Self can properly control and benefit the Lower Self, and gain pleasure and relief from the pains of Materialism.

For example, when I give prayers to God Almighty Allah at the start and end of each day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade, I derive about the same amount of healthy heartfelt mindful soulful satisfaction now as I did when first offering a prayer. Thus prayers can be better than drugs!

Magic by Drugs

When a B takes some drugs, chemical doorways to other Aspects than the physical are opened, and the B can experience increased awareness and pleasure of the energies and activities there.

Also the B may increase their influence in those places by taking the drugs.

This can be contrary to entrance and influence by more rightful activity such as thinking, prayer, meditation, and gradual healthy Evolution. It can be like a thief breaking a window or door to a house, taking control of some musical instrument or electric sound system and making lots of inconsiderate, unpleasant, loud, unharmonious, crashing, deafening noise with it.

Thus an act of thievery and misuse is not always appreciated by others in the Aspect neighbourhood.

It can result in Advanced Being law enforcement officials in the vicinity causing certain reflective events to occur that catch, silence and punish the thief.

Magic without Drugs

Quite simply, if a B lives a Healthy Life, the B will experience Magic.

It is possible that if a B lives a Healthy Life, the B will come to associate with other B’s who also live Healthy Lives and all B’s concerned will Become Magic.

This is proved by MANY aspirants to Soulful living who experience very meaningful and blissful lives, separate from Material Hell.

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