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From Being Magic by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Hidden Battle

Intelligences have shown me that power, given to people to determine their places in Life, is being used in various ways.

For some Beings, given much power rising up from the lower levels of themselves, the Beings become like Pharaohs, ruling like royalty or monarchy over others, contrary to democracy and often contrary to goodwill.

For other Beings given and accepting much power descending from the higher levels of themselves and Life, the Beings become like humble Magicians, not seeking to have power over others, more democratic, respectful, soulful with plenty goodwill given others.

Intelligences revealed to me there is a battle like a game between these main two types of power users.

The Pharaohs rule over various portions of societies, nations and the World without much selfless concern for morals, ethics and others beyond themselves. The lower energies and possible incorporeal entities having influence within and over Pharaohs are sometimes depicted as rising and overseeing serpents in ancient Egyptian images and idols.

Magicians seek to rule firstly over themselves and graciously help those living near the bottom of the Pharaoh pyramids as slaves and others wishing to free and independent from Pharaohs.

In general Pharaohs and their supporters have more power feeding their egos and self-satisfaction while Magicians survive on less ego power but have more Soul magic power.

Pharaohs and their supporters tend to be related to more people in a society that rewards selfish and materialistic life. Magicians in such a society tend to be more lonely and separate from many people, but more greatly aware of the family of all Beings: people, animals, plants, minerals and Higher Beings.

Critical choices that determine which path of power is taken sometimes are made at points in a Being’s life that are like initiations. Over long periods many decisions are made each day and each of these has a bearing towards the course or path a Being is taking. Basically each Being has a choice between a Right path and a Wrong path. If a Being by conscience can take the Right paths often enough the Being encounters Good Fortune. Consistent travel on a Wrong path leads to disaster and misfortune.

One of the most potent weapons Magicians can use to defeat Pharaohs when necessary is the Light of Higher Mind. It can reveal the true appearance of society living under Pharaohs.

If Magicians can make Rains of the Light of Higher Mind descend on a society, then the result is much spiritual, soulful, mental, emotional and physical battle in a descending manner. This will diminish the influence of lower energies over Beings in society and the society will improve in dramatic ways proportional to the amount and intensity of the Light rained down.

If Magicians can access and use gifts of Soul such as Love to empower goodwill and healthy life of ALL Beings then society and associated Nature will greatly improve and survive.

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