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From Being Magic by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Do Not Make Any Images

Images can have a powerful effect on Beings.

An Image is a copy of something or someone’s material being at a physical or other nonspiritual level of existence or being.

Images are usually visual but can be audio or any other form a copy can take of a corresponding representation of being or existence.

Idols or statues are three dimensional Images. The three dimensions are length, width and height. When an idol or statue becomes alive by being constructed of some material with an attached consciousness, it becomes an actual Being even if only physical in existence.

The external forms Beings live through have a minimum of four dimensions, the three dimensions of length, width and height along with the added dimension of time.

There are increased problems because of excess exposure of Images.

  1. An Image of a Being or thing is only a representation of the external appearance. It does not portray or record the more important Inner Self of a Being.
  2. External appearances can be deceptive. A Being can have a very pleasing attractive external appearance as portrayed by an Image a Being wants to show others, while the Being’s Inner Self might be impoverished, abhorrent, unhealthy, criminal, a complete opposite. The reverse can also be very true: someone or thing can be quite “ugly” on the outside, the Image side, while their Inner Self or values can be godly, beautiful.
  3. To concentrate too much on External appearances of Images of Beings or things can result in a fascination with Illusion, a sure path to ignorance, false values and consequent disasters. For example, some people develop eating disorders because they are under the illusion that they are purely their external physical body and its perceived shape or Image is considered unattractive or unpopular, while their inner selves could be quite pleasant, innocent, worthy of praise. Some of them end up starving to death or almost exploding!
  4. When attention is given to someone or something, the Being or thing receives increased power. If too much power is given to external appearance the Inner Self or Inner Appearance can be neglected, diminished or destroyed while the states of Illusion, External appearances, strengthen materialism, the opposite of spiritualism, the essence of Being.
  5. Images of living Beings can give a false picture or suggestion that the Beings portrayed or recorded are at states of Being quite different than their true current states. For example, there are many pictures, television shows, movies, videos that feature External appearances of wildlife living in an active, pristine healthy environment while the exact opposite situation could be present: the wildlife experiencing extinction, harm, danger through pollution sometimes caused by photo-chemicals used to make photographic images, hunting or other environmental degradation.

It has been recommended by Advanced Beings to people that Images or Idols of people and other animals should not be made or worshipped. Perhaps Advanced Beings wisely know the consequences of Image fascination or attachment to Illusion. They could be aware of this type of downfall from Their past study and interaction with Creatures such as people over long periods of time, when entire civilisations fall prey to Illusion.

As an alternative to Images of living biological life such as animals, some civilisations of people create and concentrate on other reps of shapes, colours, arrangements such as geometric patterns. This is similar to what is present in much of the rest of Nature: Rarely will unhuman beings make images of other beings.

In summary, excess vanity related to making or worshipping Images of External appearances is something to be avoided. It is the food of eventual disappointment.

The states of Inner Being rise higher and higher to the Highest Most Infinite Aspects of Being, to the Upper Mind, Soul and Spirit of Being, where a Being keeps eternal treasures of Mind and Soul, in the company of the Supreme Being, completely WITHOUT Images or the Illusion of External appearances.

Do not make any Images! Do not worship any Images!

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