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From Being Magic by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Magic Mushrooms

At elementary levels of Magic, one or two types of mushrooms are considered Magic.

At advanced levels of Magic, ALL mushrooms are considered Magic.

At elementary levels of Magic, “power” is materialistic, forceful, egotistical.

At advanced levels of Magic, Power is Spiritual, humble, selfless.

Thus Magic is full of duality: “White” vs “Black”, healthy vs unhealthy, beneficial vs nonbeneficial.

It can be like a sea of waves.

And our Inner Self determines what the sea of the Outer World is like.

(Everything “outside” of us is also Inside us.)

If we are peaceful, have good health, good character, and goodwill towards Others, then the sea can be a pleasure to sail.

Thus one of the best places to have a Magician’s workshop is the Inner Self, practicing self-improvement, with the fruits of Magic going to benefit Others outside.

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