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From Being Magic by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Being Magic is about two things:

The Magic of Being


How to Be Magic


Being is always with us. We cannot escape Being. So it is worthwhile Being the best we can Be. I claim that Benefits of Being can be more valuable than ANYTHING material.


Magic pops out at us from the Unknown. Magic represents the Unusual. Magic is more significant than “the normal”. The more Magic life is, the more we value Life, the more horizons we visit, the MORE we discover and appreciate miracles in “the normal” and ANYWHERE else, the more Life comes alive.

My Qualifications

I am somewhat qualified to write about Being Magic: I have had contacts with Advanced Beings Who have totally interesting UNHUMAN viewpoints and activities in relation to Being and Magic.

Part of me has been a teacher of Mysteries, a student of the Simple, someone who finds the Unusual fascinating beyond and above the squalor of normalcy. This part of me is like a fiery spark that can help guide You a little way on your own search for better Being and mastery of meaningful Magic.

The Need for Being Magic

There is something very important about Being Magic:

Planet Earth is in trouble!

The Beings living as “humans” on Earth have lost touch with Divine Nature and are immersed in the thick gooey muck of physical materialism.

Currently a majority of human Beings do not regard other Beings as worthy of Respect or Mercy.

Perhaps some of this disregard comes from Beings living as humans not knowing or realising their own Divine Nature or that of Others. Many human Beings have been shown Divine Nature by Higher Beings but fail to evaluate and incorporate Divine Nature in their lives. Disaster follows when human Beings fail TO BE Divine Nature, to GIVE Respect and Mercy to Others.

The lack of respect for Nature on Earth by human Beings probably stems from intensive physical materialism and a lack of Magic: a lack of Being Sacred, a lack of regarding other Beings and their environment as Sacred, a lack of seeing Nature with the Magic Eye.

Thus the desperate need for human Beings to be more Magic, Sacred; and to regard Others as Magic, Sacred. And One of the best ways to do this is to examine the Nature of Being, the Existence of Divine Beings and the Magic of Being.

As for the Secrets of Magic:

The materialistic technologies of humans are wrecking Planet Earth. They will have to be replaced with better non-materialistic technologies such as the Technology of Being and the Technology of Magic.

So I dedicate part of this to Magic and its role in the survival of Earth and continuation of creatures like people on Earth.

But first I cover the subject of Being, so necessary to any foundation of any activity, such as Magic. Once we learn how TO BE healthy worthy citizens of Life, then we are qualified to use the tools and powers of Magic.

When we are good at Being and Magic then we are Being Magic.

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