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From Miracles with Intelligences by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Anti-Vietnam War SI Activities

In the years between 1971 and 1973 I, like many other Beings, was very distressed by the continued state of human affairs.

At this time the US/USSR/Vietnam War (UUV War) was still in full swing.

It was one of the most devastating (and profitable) wars in human history.

The Big Money Human War Government (BMHWG) of the country I was living in (the US) had already dumped MILLIONS of tonnes of explosives and poisons upon SE Asia.

At some point in the early 1970’s I had developed a habit of influencing the UUV War from my expanded mind:

I would place my consciousness over SE Asia and try to reflect the violence and disaster back upon the Big Money countries who were indirectly sponsoring and/or directly involved in the war. [Why]

Bombing Air Crashes

The BMHWG of the US had begun bombing North Vietnam into submission, adding to the MILLIONS or BILLIONS of casualties of the war.

So I tried once again reflecting the devastation back upon “my” country, ruled by its BMHWG, so that perhaps a message or action could occur to lessen the devastation, perhaps by “downing” US Air Force military jets in a direct reflective response to the bombing.

Unfortunately this reflection resulted in the crash of a large US civilian passenger jet. (SI’s or OI’s had probably read into my mind and made the crash.)

The bombing continued and so I continued using the same technique.

·More· US passenger jet crashes happened.

It affected my conscience that so many of my innocent fellow-country-people would be affected by these crashes. Of course BILLIONS of innocent Beings in SE Asia were being harmed by my other fellow-country-people.

Eventually the BMHWG probably began thinking about the crashes and decided not to continue the bombing.

First Steps to Sabotage

In late 1972 I had the distinct feeling that the BMHWG UUV War, although diminished, was dragging on and on.

I had been working as a housepainter for US $2.50-$3.00 per hour and this work was drying up, even though the quality of my work was good to excellent and I finished jobs in less than the estimated time. [Adolf]

So I decided to join the US Army (even though I was opposed to war and registered as a conscientious objector). [Adolf]

Little did I know that I was on my first SI secret agent mission to help end the BMHWG UUV War. (We are often unaware in our “normal” People concsiousness of what Higher Beings and our own Higher Selves have in store for us.)



Even this occupation would be important in my future counter-human-intelligence activities.


I had learned from Ted Owens that PK energy was like money and, like money could be used for Good or Evil.

I knew that many TRILLIONS of dollars and rubles had been spent on the UUV War and this was Evil.

I decided to use my mind to reflect the war disaster back at the BMHWG countries so that the damage to SE Asia could be less.

I knew that if I reflected the war disaster back at the BMHWG’s it would be a lesser Evil, since in the reflections I did not wish any harm to the BMHWG’s or people of the BMHWG countries that they were not already causing to SE Asia (any harm directed or sponsored could be returned to those who were being intentionally harmful or indirect sponsors of the war).


These air crashes were not due to Viet Cong or any other People saboteurs living in the US. The “modern” age scapegoats of Arab Terrorists were in the minority.

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