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From Miracles with Intelligences by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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A Challenge to Peace

Big Money War Criminals of the US and USSR owned and operated entire national economies based on warfare and conflict around the globe. War is Big Business. Financial families from Europe and Russia have conducted and profited from wars for hundreds of years. This same business was brought to the various invasion zones of the North America, Australia, Khazarnik and other “colonies”.

Wars are cyclical. Supplies of weapons and munitions are gradually increased in buyers’ stockpiles. When a threshold of war materials is reached in the stockpiles from which further sales decrease, a war is conducted. Stockpiles of war materials are depleted by the war. It becomes essential to the war business that material stockpiles are depleted so new sales can be made.

After the US/USSR/Vietnam War a period of about 11 years were spent in preparation for another war to start in 1986. Large amounts of Soviet war materials had piled up in Libya and other Arab nations. The US had heavily invested in continued major maintenance and modernisation of its own capabilities for profitable war.

In early 1986 the Big Money War Criminals and their News’ networks were actively preparing the global public for another war. Terrorist attacks had been used as an excuse to trigger a war.

The US Invisible Government had directed its leaders to impose trade sanctions against Libya.

Then on January 28 1986 the space shuttle Challenger lifted off from its launch pad and exploded in a massive fireball 74 seconds into its flight.

Such an embarrassment!

Intelligences can cause rocket launches to fail. Perhaps a guidance system will lose electric power or magnetic fields. Or rocket fuel will explode. Or weather phenomenon can adversely affect the rocket or its flight.

In the case of the Challenger a large seal supposedly failed. Previous to the flight the rockets and Challenger were covered by ice and icicles had to be removed by sprays of hot water before the hurried launch.

All seven astronauts aboard the Challenger were killed. Much larger numbers of people would have been killed and injured had there been a major war between the US, Libya and other Arab nations.

In September 1973 an Intelligence had shown me a vision of a short fat jet plane exploding. A famous Intelligence contact Ted Owens had tried to warn others that Space Intelligences were planning to destroy a space shuttle.

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