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From Miracles with Intelligences by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Chernobyl (Black and White)

In 1986 violence and mass terrorist attacks occurred in Western Europe and the Middle East. Arabik and Iranian terrorists were behind most of the attacks. The primary supplier of weapons and munitions to Middle Eastern terrorists and their governments was the Soviet Union.

The News’ media in 1986 were whipping the masses into a frenzy leading to a major war or conflict from which the war industries in the USA, Britain and Russia could greatly profit. (A large part of the GNP of these nations is the produced by industries of military and terrorist weapons manufacturing.)

I had become alarmed by the situation. So I took a piece of paper and drew a dot in its centre. I stared and concentrated on the dot, rose to the omnipresent aspect of my Higher Self and reflected as much as I could of the terrorist violence back upon the Soviet Union.

A couple of days later I learned that a certain kind of violence and terror had appeared in the Soviet Union. A nuclear power plant had be come a major disaster at Chernobyl, a small city located in the Ukraine on the 26th of April 1986.

A plant operator had made an explosive mistake by conducting a highly dangerous experiment in an instant of insanity.

The News’ media were forced to change the focus of their war propaganda from the terrorist attacks to a major nuclear disaster that few could ignore. This was a big embarrassment to Big Money and their nuclear and military industries. The News’ could not cover-up Chernobyl.

Intelligences can control the minds and brains of lesser creatures such that the creatures can be forced to do things they normally would not do. (I myself have experienced the ability of an Intelligence to force me to change my activity or behaviour from one path to another.)

Years later I discovered a translation for the name Chernobyl. It can mean Black and White. In Russia a black-and-white television set is called a “chernobily”. The root “chern” means black and the root “byl” means white such as Bylorussia meaning White-Russia. (The “o” between “chern” and “byl” is used as the conjunction “and”.)

I conclude that an Intelligence had used superior willpower to force the Chernobyl operator to cause the corruption of the nuclear pile.

After Chernobyl there was a temporary halt to terrorist activities, a major embarrassment to the Soviet elite and eventually the break-up of the Soviet Union into separate independent nations.

The explosion and melt-down of Chernobyl had temporarily stopped the war between the “Black and White” races. The Chernobyl nuclear plant was a FISSION nuclear power plant. It resulted in a large FISSURE in the intended war between Black and White peoples of Planet Earth.

There was a definite implied message in the Chernobyl disaster that the News’ media never revealed to the public.

Russian Terror Solution

The Soviet Union and present Russia have made; sold and supplied; encouraged the use of MANY HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of Rubles worth of weapons, ammunition and explosives, and other war paraphenalia to Terrorists, including despotic Terrorist governments.

(The same thing is true to lesser extents with other governments and economies.)

When something like the Chernobyl nuclar “accident” or the Beslan massacre happen it should come as no suprise:

What goes around comes around!

If Russians do not want Terror then let Russians stop making, selling and encouraging the use of the Tools of Terror!

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