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From Miracles with Intelligences by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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The Flying Monk

I came to Sydney Australia in July 1986 and decided to stay at an old hotel on the edge of Woolloomooloo Bay. The hotel was run by a nice family and was quite pleasant. The room I checked into was large with high ceilings and a nice big old-fashioned bed.

Early one morning I dreamed that someone was gently floating above me. He appeared to be standing and wearing a full white robe surrounded by feathers of soft light. I awoke and remembered the dream.

On the next night I was trying to sleep when I became aware that the same Presence of the Being was floating above me once again. He appeared to be a Buddhist monk.

He proceeded to bend and insert his index finger into my forehead!

It felt like he was spinning a force field through and around his finger. My forehead slightly above and between my eyes began to pulsate. Eventually he withdrew his finger but a gentle steady pulsation continued. This area is sometimes called the location of the “Third Eye” in some mystical literature.

In the next few days I was given telepathic messages and inspiration by the Flying Monk. I was especially encouraged to increase my understanding and perhaps write a book. The saying “Above All Things Get Ye Understanding” came to me time and time as the central message of the Flying Monk’s visit.

I became impressed that although the Flying Monk seemed to be the size of an ordinary person, because of his spiritual stature he seemed to be ten feet tall at times.

Thanks to the Flying Monk I was reawakened to greater awareness and understanding.

Years later I read about various states of Being attained by Buddhist monks who engage live an ascetic life. I discovered that the abilities to fly and walk through walls and other physical barriers were part of their advanced states of Being. The Flying Monk proved to me that these states could be quite real, especially if the Being is not incarnate in a physical body.

(In my current incarnation I have only perceived Advanced Beings resembling people, living on non-physical planes, TWO times, and these within two months in 1986. This incident was one of those occasions. I was not under the influence of any mind altering drugs at the time of the visit.)

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