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From Miracles with Intelligences by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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This is a book about my experiences with Intelligences.

Since a young child I have had partial contacts with unhuman Advanced Beings.

Some of them I learned to call Intelligences or Masters since these are the terms used by the human scientific and philosophic communities to describe Them.

Intelligences are incorporeal Advanced Beings.

Most Intelligences live in planes parallel to our physical plane. They seem to concentrate most of their activities around the aspects of Soul and Mind but descend into lower depths of Creation to do various things such as help the younger Beings of Earth.

If an Intelligence enters the Earth physical plane from their near-physical plane, the Intelligence can be like a very powerful electromagnetic force field that impinges upon the nervous system of any Beings living as physical creatures on Earth.

This can result in excess stress and fear in the affected Earth creatures.

I have met Intelligences in this manner and almost suffered insanity and even partial retardation, speech impediment and other symptoms of an extremely energetic encounter.

Most Intelligences will prefer to contact Earth creatures through the shared aspects of Soul, mind and emotion so the contacts do not occur through the physical plane and result in neurological damage.

Some Intelligences may resemble people and are sometimes called Masters while other Intelligences may appear very unusual or even have No Image.

By analogy Intelligences are to people like what people are to simple single celled organisms or fungus or bacteria in Evolution.

Intelligences have technology that can cause extraordinary things to happen.

This is basis for the Miracles mentioned in this book.

For more information about Intelligences called Space Intelligences please see my work Space Intelligence Master Interface.

Starting in about 1970 I came to have much greater contacts with Advanced Beings thanks to my correspondence with a Mr. Ted Owens.

See my book Ted Owens - Modern Moses.

Soon I also learned of a vast hierarchy of Advanced Beings and people of goodwill who were also involved in making Planet Earth a better place.

As the years proceeded I caused major incidents that helped shock the USA to end its involvement in the Vietnam War and slightly reduce the human war against Nature on Planet Earth. The News’ media and entertainment industries ruling over countries like the USA, Europe and Australia enjoyed portraying me as a NAZI. Coming from them I found this a compliment.

I try to relate some of my experiences with Intelligences in the following sections to the best of my ability and with the least exaggeration.

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