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From Miracles with Intelligences by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Prophecy 2004

In about the year 2004 I was starting to reawaken from years of ignorant slumber.

I began to record experiences with Intelligences and Masters and my thinking, sane and insane, in notebooks and computer internet books.

Also I began to contact various religious, scientific and government organisations by regular postal mail trying to inform them about Higher Beings and people related to Higher Beings I had known about. I would send out a letter to a church, temple, mosque or synagogue that might interest them but no reply would return to me.

I assumed that the organisations were not interested.

So I had to prepare to give out a more noticeable type of material that they might take seriously.

This is an example of my Prophecy 2004:

“If us White People
continue to be so unhealthy
Then deadly disease will increase
and White Society will die!

If us White People
continue to be so warlike
Then there will be a Race War
and the White Race will die!

If us White People
are affected by Terrorism
Then we are WRONG
to always blame others…

GodAllah is Great!”

I sign the name ANUNGA to these letters that I send out. (ANUNGA is an Australian name, that is, it is an ABORIGINAL name.) By doing this I hoped to impress on the inner brain of some EuroRussian people in Australia the importance of changing to better ways than previous ways.

I have recently been blessed to come into closer contact with a SPIRITUAL Christian church and a local branch of the Theosophical society.

At the time of this writing my physical lifetime seems to be coming to an early end unless I change my habits to be more healthy by getting more exercise, being of some worthwhile benefit to others and using my talents more often.

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