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From Miracles with Intelligences by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Red Alert 1974

As of November 1974 the Vietnam War had lasted about 10 years. It had to brought to an end. Also the USA was in dire straights.

I did some creative writing to encourage the US government to change for the better and for the US nation to improve. I sent this as a letter to a member of the US government, Senator Floyd Haskell of my home state Colorado.

At the time I was guarding a secure military site in a forested country area in West Germany.

Something happened to the letter I had sent. Perhaps top generals in the US Army were to blame. An emergency erupted in the secret chambers of the US government.

A passenger jet filled with US Army officers, FBI agents and civilians crashed into Mount Weather, a secret subterranean US government command centre. Intelligences had done this to shock the government in some way. I was shocked too.

The date was about 1 December 1974.

The US Armed Forces radio station I was listening to had been taken over by an influential covert group in the government. Even though my letter had been sent to Senator Haskell, the radio broadcast was heavily featuring Senator Morris Udall of Utah, who along with other frantic officials, was trying to seem like they would address the issues in my letter.

The secret group and government had chosen to strictly avoid making direct contact with me. It opted instead to restrict their messages to the radio program.

That night as I was guarding the main entrance to the military site there was an amazing sight. In the clear night sky several hundred metres away a large silver cylinder emerged as if a knife had cut a hole in the sky. It had a most beautiful golden aura. The object was perhaps 25 metres long, 4 to 5 metres in diameter and the surrounding aura extended about 8 metres.

This was definite proof to me that Space Intelligences (SI’s) could do amazing miracles.

The SI object gently and brilliantly hovered in the sky for a few minutes and then gracefully flew away in a horizontal direction.

After the tube left the area the site alarms sounded. Mysterious sounds like rattling chains had been heard just outside the guarded area but nothing was found.

However at an international level, because of the terror my letter had caused, a large scale US military Red Alert had occurred. The cost of the alert was later estimated to be about 25 million dollars.

The next night I was again on guard duty at the main site entrance. In the same area of sky where the tube had appeared the night before I saw a large glowing ball of fire emerge then disappear.

Since I saw the silver tube, the SI’s had been trying to come into telepathic contact with me. In my mind’s eye I saw Twitter and Tweeter, the insect companions and servants of SI Masters, momentarily. My brain felt “fuzzy” and drugged. When I came off guard duty I was very sleepy.

The sensations I got from being contacted by SI’s did not go away. Something happened to my speech. I was having trouble pronouncing words and would stutter. Also I developed some large sores that disappeared after applying antibacterial ointment.

In the following days and weeks I tried to get information about the Red Alert from the radio and newspapers but little was revealed in them. However at the public level it seemed the US government and the Big Money bosses had been shaken up. Attempts were underway to disengage the US military from SE Asia. The media was starting to feature lots of spots about NAZI’s and Willy Brandt, the German chancellor, was warning about a new Adolf Hitler.

I would write to the US Government many times after I left the US military in 1976 with little or no effect. Apparently they were happy to ignore SI’s and me.

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