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From Miracles with Intelligences by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Sky Pictures

In my current life I learned or possibly relearned that it is possible to point an arm and hand at the sky, picture and paint a desired event on the sky with the imagination and then wait a few hours or days and the sky picture (SP) would manifest in some way.

(Intelligences would see the SP, either in the sky or in my memory and then make it come TRUE in some way.)

In 1970 I did this for the first time in my current lifetime. On the canvas of a clear night sky I created a SP of a giant cloud sending down plenty rain and lighting.

The next day the weather forecast gave no indication of rain. However that same day a massive great cloud thundered over the city where I lived (Denver, Colorado) and poured down plenty rain and lightning, interrupting many a golf game and other people activities.

I was able to repeat this same type exercise many times of the following years.

Once I let a TV weatherman know of my SP’s and the documentation of SP’s and other psychic feats of Mr. Ted Owens (PKMan). The weatherman (Mr. Ed Bowman of Channel 2 TV in Denver) took an interest in this and I even visited his nearby house to discuss the matter with him. After this he was dismissed from his job even though he had worked at it for many years.

About 1970 I also put up some SP’s of Ape-like creatures. After one of these I learned of a monkey or ape that had escaped from the city zoo and climbed onto a man’s back, an ape-on-man incident. Another SP like this I put up was followed by the nationwide media sensation of the “MoMo” Monster ApeMan incident.

(Apparently Space Intelligences can arrange for extraterrestrial (ET) beings of many different varieties to visit Earth. Often UFO’s will be sighted in an area and an ApeMan or other creature will be noticed nearby.)

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