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From Miracles with Intelligences by Andy Eastman © 2004 - 2005
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Cyclone Tracey WMD

The Vietnam War was ending as Big Money War Criminals pocketed much Gold from their war industries.

MILLIONS had been murdered and extreme damage done to Nature.

Australia had been part of the Vietnam War. EuroRussian industrial and agricultural policy had severely damaged Australia and nearby areas.

Darwinian “science” rejected the role of Divine Miracles in Evolution. God, Higher Beings and Nature were ignored by a World infected by Darwinism.

The East Coast of the USA had been furiously lashed by Nature’s whips, powerful intelligently guided hurricanes (reverse cyclones). Australia had escaped a caning thus far.

So Nature created and delivered a terrible Christmas gift to Darwin in December 1974.

Cyclone Tracey was one of Nature’s Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD’s).

Planet Earth lives on in harmony with Nature and Her WMD’s. Nature has been using such activities for HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of years and Life survives and is possible even reinvigorated by cyclones and hurricanes.

Nature knows how to use WMD’s.

Nature is the Supreme Terrorist!

Thinking About Cyclone Tracey (CT)

Late in 1974 I learned about CT. I could tell immediately that Nature’s Space Intelligences had created and directed CT. They were angry.

SI’s often cause events to happen in places that have significant names with intelligent links. CT hit the community of Darwin that was named after the scientist who supported atheism. This denial of a Supreme Being or Higher Beings and the role of such Beings in Evolution is widespread among “modern” materialistic “scientists”.

CT happened at Christmas as if to connect a religious event with a modern miracle.

SI’s had actively opposed the US/Australian role in the Vietnam War. There was a known definite history of SI’s guiding hurricanes against the East Coast of the US during the Vietnam War.

The US government and others possibly knew that SI’s were actively opposing the Vietnam War with SI psychokinetic (PK) phenomenon. Up until 1974, SI-PK events had been ignored by the US establishment. Hurricanes, PK-induced failures of spy satellites, tornadoes and other SI phenomenon were conveniently overlooked by the News’ media. It was probably more comfortable to allow the Big Money War to continue.

However with CT and other SI attacks the World Elite finally decided to have the US withdraw support for the Vietnam War.

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